More appropriate forums

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. With mods taking a hard line against anything remotley offensive to even the tiniest minority ive decided in an attempt to save forums from being a graveyard of locked threads ill ask the question on everyones of those burning issues that we are allowed to talk about on here that wont offend.

    So here goes.

    Todays big (mod approved) topic.

    Whats your favourite cuddley toy ?

    Mines is winnie the poo.

    Dang i hope this doesnt get locked for saying poo......fingers crossed.

  2. We all love care bears!
  3. Rainbow Dash, wait was that too obvious  :lol:

  4. Just for you dash ;)
  5. I am offended! So triggered right now it isn't even funny.
  6. Remember that show with the 2 kids that had some kind of amulet that let them go into some kind of dragon world? There were a few different talking dragons but there was 1 dragon with 2 heads and each half of the Dragon was a different color, one side was purple and the other side was green. Each head was its own individual and 1 was a girl and the other was a boy and it really bothered me because i couldn't figure out how they would find mates and procreate. I forgot the name of the show but it was pretty entertaining for a 5 year old me.

    But my favorite dragon was the giant blue one that always has food with him and can turn invisible.
  7. This thread is offensive to non cuddly toys.

  9. I'll send all I can find on him.

    BTW you could have got it from quoting me lol. But anyway.
  10. I just offended myself this back and am furious with myself.
  11. So you should be.
    My entire toy collection banned from this thread as they are not cuddly.
  12. This is not appropriate.
  13. I believe the show you are talking about is dragon tales.
  14. Offensive rainbows and cute teddy bears. O' mi gawd, Imma so offended. Writing the apes and mi congressman.

    Happy KAW'ing 
  15. Winnie the poo is an offensive presentation of a Chinese man...

  16. That was called dragon tales

  17. Lmaooo

    Best of