Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for having the word lost on your name!
  2. Banned for being alive
  3. Banned because being alive apparently is a gift
  4. banned for either being a bat dog or misspelling bad. Bad dog...
  5. Banned for not having the magic stick
  6. Banned for being a paraplegic
  7. Banned for being mean, :(.
  8. Banned for not being mean.
  9. Banned fo.... Error can't find reason
  10. Banned 4 not having a reason
  11. Banned for not banning me again sooner
  12. Banned 4 starting a new page
  13. Banned for contributing to the new thread page
  14. Banned for excessively posting in this thread.
  15. Banned for not being proud to be a tiger
  16. Banned for still not being a shade if red and banned the person who's gonna ban me :p
  17. Ban this damn thread
  18. Banned for banning the thread!
  19. Banned for being excessively happy. :D
  20. Banned for being a pretty darn doodle