Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by hunter_killer, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. Dear devs,

    Please put the golden alter after the normal one it's so confusing them being apart.

    Keep up the fantastic work on these superb events that are not at boring at all contrary to popular belief.

    Lots of lovin

  2. Finally, a well thought out idea I can get behind.

  3. 100% support
  4. Lmfao. Please sticky this, please.
  5. Support, Best Of, Sticky. This needs everything.
  6. This is essential why did no one think of this before??

  7. Support, next level improvements.
  8. Can we keep him?
  9. Support. Best of please

  10. I saw this and i rofl'd
    Support though.
    @ Op make a list of the supporters like i did. We can have a choo choo train of supporters
  11. Support x500

    Side note, this post is amazing.
  12. You want improvements how about a xstal timer that lets you know how many xstals you have left when trying to max xstal.
    Or how about evening out the gold made by an att build vs a hansel? This game is being catered to hansels to the point where they are becoming extinct because the gold made by a hansel is 8X better...
    These are improvements, moving an icon in marketplace? Really?? Pfft
  13. Support
  14. I miss Harambe so much.
  15. Support.

    I see so much potential.