Just watched a video of Trump physically handing out care packages to flood victims in Louisiana. Where is Hillary? Big surprise shes in marthas vineyard with none other than obama whos been vacationing there throughout the entire disaster. I know hes doing this for votes but atleast hes there. So sick of lazy ass Obama and Hillary is just like him. Its not even that Obama isnt there personally, its that his response to this crisis has been reported as pathetic. Its like he dosnt even bother to pretend to give a crap about whats going on.
A president's place is not on the ground handing out food. They are the highest leader. If Obama was there handing out supplies, then he is being taken away from every other responsibility he has to the nation. There are plenty of other people the president can send in to do the job of handing things out just as well. This is a stupid argument to bring up.
Ya just ignore the whole part where I said "its not even that hes not there physically" . His entire relief and aid response has been terrible. And Obama isnt somewhere handling buisiness, hes on vacation, yet again. But ya jump to defend obama simply bc of his skin color. Fuethermore all presidents traditionally visit disaster sites, Obama didnt even announce he would visit until yesterday when he came under fire for his terrible response to this.
Unless it involves a criminal who pulled a gun on a cop and got himself killed obama/hillary dont care because thats who they pander to for votes. Obama is such a douche he could at least say something to acknowledge the flooding but the media is more interested in saying the governor of louisiana told hillary, obama and trump to stay away for a couple weeks so they wouldnt have to shut down expressways for motorcades at this time....so even though trump does something good the media gets to bash him...george bush got bashed for flying over katrina but scumbag obama gets to golf and get a free pass and well who gives a flying fudge about hillary shes a buntbag
This is not a reflection about trump. Great leaders lead by example. Is the President a busy person? Yes. Do they deserve time off and a "vacation". Yes. It is also the presidents job to "take care of" the nation. The president may have ample people to do this in the name of the office. We tend to rally around leaders who car can relate with, who we see as "like us". The president even if it is half a day, should be able to hand out care packages or be one of the lowly "working" peons. No matter what your official title is, we all eat,sleep and poop. That does not make your or their time, or life inherently more valuable than another's. Leaders who serve>leaders who are served.
If you allow me, let me compare it to typhoon Haiyan. A disaster is a disaster, you can not make it as a political propaganda. It is the electoral process that would put your future leader in power, not because of a disaster. Would you ask the victims who would they vote for? They're still recovering from a disaster, why would they think the election is a priority? Help is needed, do not make it like some kind of media mileage for a candidate. The people will know. Regardless of your political side, EVERYONE must help. It is everyone's responsibility, lest you become a divided nation.
from the governor of Louisiana: "It is a major ordeal, they free up the interstate for him. We have to take hundreds of local first responders, police officers, sheriffs, deputies and state troopers to provide security for that type of visit. I would just as soon have those people engaged in the response rather than trying to secure the president. So I’d ask him to wait, if he would, another couple weeks." how has his response been lacking? what exactly should he be doing? should he be down there with a mop? food and water are making it to the victims. The flood was declared a federal disaster, which means Louisiana will receive federal funding to help rebuild. what EXACTLY would obama need to do to make you happy? because i'm fairly confident that if he had gone down to tour the flood, you would have made a thread about how he was diverting resources from the flood victims in order to score political points.
Trump is a psychopathic lunatic who's going to take out the entirety of America with just his stupidity.
a trump supporter who makes racist comments and lashes out violently at someone that disagrees with him? wow. how predictable.
Op says actions speak louder than words. Well, do you realize there are intentions behind every action? What are your intentions, op? Do you want a divided nation? Is a disaster the only "litmus test" to a leader's capabilities?
Ya its ok for everyone else to use race except whites? Well I dont play that, what's good for one is good for all. I dont support liberal hyper sensitivity. And I ran a fb attack on u nub and u xstalled and failed assa/scout over and over
Ya bc it wasnt just all over the news about the trump supporters being spit on and having stuff thrown at them in Minneapolis, only right side guys can be biggots according to libtards
no one mentioned race in this conversation until you mentioned that the president's skin color was somehow relevant to a natural disaster. no "liberals" were talking about how this natural disaster was a racial issue. but go ahead and keep telling yourself that "liberals" are the reason why race and racism is discussed so often.
I didn't crystal. Are you even reading these guys' posts? They're better at explaining than me, I get sidetracked. I'm just gonna read now.
Don't see how Hillary could have any supporters . Her campaign is a fraud. Tens of thousands show up for Trump rallies, and yet Hillary has such small turnouts they can count them with a clicker. One of her rallies last week had only 171 people there, yet the stage was set up to look like thousands attended. Camera angle would not deviate to show the audience or the false grandstand stage behind her. Her agenda is being pressed by liberal media, and they've done everything in their power so far, to say anything bad about trump they can. Think I'm making it up? Google Hillary's fraudulent turnouts . Look at what's happening. News covers up for her. She will be a president that if you donate huge money to her and Bill, you will get something done. No money, forget about it. This election is the most politically twisted , corrupt, one-sided spectacle of any campaign ever. It's not that I'm pro-Trump. It's that I'm just so anti-Hillary, I only have one choice. People, don't be fed by the "trump is racist", trump tossed a baby out". Watch the actual footage. The media is making everything up, simply to divert Trump into defensive mode. Hillary isn't even speaking right now, to the media , no interviews, complete media blackout on her. Why do you think this is? What's she hiding? She's letting the media rip Trump up while she sits back and runs her micro "rallies" in front of staged small gatherings, with cameras that will not move 10 feet from center focus or you'll see there's nobody there. Just single row seats, faked staged masses of crowds. Her entire campaign is a fraud. Id post a link to it, but cameras are banned and a couple people snuck photos showing almost nobody attending. Americans are being lied to, while preaching Hillary, (who's under constant investigations for very very shady stuff) is the best candidate. Even grossly pro-Democratic online new papers like the Washington Post, gave her 4 Pinnochios, meaning she simply cannot be trusted. And we are even considering this woman for the highest office in the U.S. ? If you see a bad news report about Trump eating a baby on stage, actually go pull it up. It's always a small joke that gets twisted, or just absolutely fabricated by the liberal news media itself.
when did i say that? i don't believe that conservatives are all violent racists, just a large chunk of trump supporters. i don't believe that all liberals are sane and non-violent. a lot of the far left that supported bernie are just as crazy as trump supporters. so quit pretending that i am saying things that i sure as hell didn't say.
Exactly this, im not a huge fan of Trump but im very anti hillary and nobama. You liberal morons have had the country for 8 years and its in abysmal shape. Time to go away for a while