
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HonorableSamurai1195, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. As you may be reading this by the time I'm done I'm declaring all my pvp actions against thug_superkillforchill over I humbly apologize for my attacks,my attitude towards you and I also wish to apologize for hitting your wall numerous times. Is there a way to get a cf from you? I am giving you my full sincere apology for my actions and I wanted to make it up to you and your clan by using my only seal of the dammed to increase your income on gold and items that you may be using in the future-sincerely HonorableSamurai1195
  2. Cool, I know that guy
  3. I thought samurai committed seppuku upon defeat.

    Time to deliver, OP
  4. You don't deserve the honor in your name
  5. yeah samurai don't surrender...its a trick XD
  6. 
     ╓╖╓╖ 
     ╙╖║╥ 
     ╙╜╙╜ 
  7. 1/4th your size.

    such skill.
  8. Pvp events... you hit who ever is orange and get a free pass. No worry about it
  9. Edit... You attacked someone who isnt opted in and you are opted in. Thats a waste of troops :'/
  10. lol thug what a loser. Forum apologies are dumb now.
  11. 420 posts
  12. He smokes your pubic hair everyday
  13. Ggwp