Thx guys good response so far. Would love to hear what the Devs think. Anyone prepared to comment? Come on guys lets get some feedback. Thx
Are you saying a level ten building gets all its stats for each upgrade added together then divided by ten? That sounds to me a great idea. The op has a good one, but I support this one much more. The prices can remain the same, the buildings in the end give the same amount of stats, us small players won't catch up to the big players but we will catch up to the mid range players.
Honestly, we're clueless or just unsure of the coming game updates. Change or think out of the box.. Who knows we might have other means of getting gold and bronze, silver bars. Think outside of volley, quests, eb and old-school pvp. New dynamic and interesting events, new game modes, game expansions. Perhaps that would spark some extra activity and increase the number active new players.
I don't think so. it seems that two levels give similar upgrades then there's a big jump in upgrades and then its the same again before jumping again. U can tell because after two upgrades then your building looks different.
This sounds like a great idea for small to mid size players but there is always a down side. In this case the reverse effects would be on the already insane ally market. If people can buy the biggest upgrades for the smallest prices allies will become better stats the the final small upgrades causing an even bigger ally market influx . The market is already unstable. Now what they could do is when new lands are released implement your idea for the previous sets of lands . And keep the upgrade system the same for the new lands.
Very interesting Boss. Although I'm thinking this kind of change to some but not all players would cause the Devs technical problems. They've always shyd away in the past from making changes that aren't full game wide. But I like your thinking. I think we all agree new lands with the current system will finally kill the game. Now let's hear from them. Ohhhhhh Devs....COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!
This was my post on the topic by ATA_Charlie I guess this topic is based around the idea that I proposed.
No support! The old player would make the same upgrade and the gap would not change because both players are moving the same amount XD, the only way to bridge the gap, is to give gold to low and mid level builds while keeping it away from builds complete, which is exactly what we already have, the build complete can not build anything while everyone else can, all the bc player can do is bank on allies which ensure the instant build completion the next lands released
They can grow like we did slowly and steadily. For smaller stat players they did better silver bars. People just want to be lazy and not work at it like we did. Its kinda like those kids saying I need a safe place. No you don't you just need to take that tampon out and roll up your sleeves and get work done. I'm just sayin its like kaw has those 3rd gender it's. There is no 3rd gender it's your gay or your straight but that's getting off subject but anyways that's all I gotta say. If people get butthurt aw well if you need butthurt cream ask the Devs.