Welcome to the latest in the Is it ok? thread series. For the others just search in forums for "is it ok" in the subject headline and they should all be there. Now... To business... Is it ok to use "dirty" or "underhand" tactics to win a war or is it good commanding? In Kingdoms At War we are very fortunate to have a range of excellent war commanders that traverse the LL and the indi war slots. They give up a lot of time, discuss with friends their tactics and bring them to the community to win. But... Sometimes there are easier ways to win a war. You could cast a load of alts to hopefully get into the opposite clan (and in some war slots that's easier than other times -- Underhand or tactical?), you could bribe a member of the other team with gold/sods/place in your LL clan next war etc I'm not gonna list a whole load of ways to be sneaky -- mainly because I'm not one of the super brains that war command (despite having a 100% win rate in the wars I have commanded (it was one and we got lucky - don't tell anyone!)) Is it ok to use these tactics to win wars? Or is it dishonourable? Feel free to bring this to a more real-life setting too, I'd be intrigued to see your ideas. Moody ️
nah. fair fights are the only good fights. its a game. all that is on the line is your honor. to throw your own honor away to "win"? nah. just nah.
Tldr- I may not have read, but I still have opinions!!!! 1) In war you kill each other, assuming there are "rules" is odd. Countries should be able to blow each other up if they want :lol: 2) From a KaW standpoint I still see nothing wrong with playing dirty, but you have to be careful because you can lose a lot of respect for it, as in real life. 3) War. War never changes.
All is fair in war. Dirty war isn't as fun for the ones getting played, but great for the winners. :lol:
A very fair standpoint wordwaster - but there is more at stake an honour I'm afraid I say - we have EE downgrades - we have xtal usage which is real money used - we have mithril with no return of all used unless you win For some, this may be enough to think outside of the box and resort to underhand tactics
"It was one and we got lucky", :lol:. Idk what to say. I would prefer to win in legit ways, but sometimes someone cheats and theres no much i can do about it :/ .
why? i really don't understand the appeal. winning by being better than your opponent is a great feeling. winning because you knee capped your opponent? what joy do people take from that? you aren't really the better player. you just were the player that was so pathetic and desperate and afraid of a fair fight that you placed a alt on the other team. people that win that way are losers. they know they are losers, or they wouldn't have to cheat. do you really take joy in admitting that you aren't good enough to win a fair fight?
Stripping in war is something I absolutely hate unless they do it first. It's a cheap tactic and it can cost someone dearly.
that is all game stuff, other than the money people may spend on xtals. so you are saying that a few dollars and a bit of shiny game stuff has more value than an individual's honor?
First things first, this is a game, who cares if people use dirty tactics? Should tactics even be considered "dirty?" Strips. Strips are available for both sides of the battlefield. Aka, its always a fair fight.
it is because it is a game that people should care. the fact that so many people are so willing to throw away the rules of decency over such small thing as winning a match on an app is concerning.
It's bad form, I think. If you really want to test your skills in war and develop your techniques and knowledge, one shouldn't resort to dirt in system wars. It should pit skill against skill. Fairly! But, people will always try. Even if we all call them out and ostracize them. So, should we join them? Difficult question. But, I wouldn't. I like to see a match of honour and skill in SWs.
I'm playing devil's advocate to keep the spirit of debate It depends on whether people believe they have true honour on an app. Some people will see the money and time they invest in wars as something that they get back in the way of increased plunder/equipment. They don't look for honour, they look for a return on their investment and that could mean doing something that others may find questionable I'm not saying it's good form but everyone has the ability to do these tactics, there is no deeper manipulation than using the mechanics available to all -- so surely that's fair isn't it?
There's no honor over a game. It's silly to think you can't strip someone or that there's a strict code you have to follow. If you want to strip someone in Indi or LL war do it if you have the funds you didn't cheat, you can hire allies because the developers allowed you to hire someone's allies during war time. Otherwise the developers would have implemented spells that wouldn't allow the other team to hire your allies.
I agree if you strip it's completely fair as it's built into the system however it's a very cheap move which is dishonorable which may cause you to build up a lot of enemies. Being honorable is just another strategy if you think about it.