Awhile ago my clan I have been in for almost 5 years was given away to a person that knows nothing about the clan. I was angry that our owner was leaving and that the clan wasn't left to a pre-existing clan member of ours. The clan changes new rules were set in place as the new owner said "to better the clan" and people that had threatened our clan was let in to the clan. I hated the way it was changed and even expressed my concerns with the "new owner" I had been in that clan longer than most and wish she would have taken my thoughts into consideration. About a month ago I got into a argument with a member that our new owner had let into the clan (he who had been trust at one time and was left with ownership while our owner went equipment hunting had disbanded the clan.) I was muted and told by a clan members it was probably better if I left for awhile cause I told the owner I hated the way the clan us become. But most of them have been there for me through thick and thin they are like my 2nd family so I was gonna come back no matter how much I hate it. Well I left and ask someone if they would come with me for awhile. A event passes and I go to get back to my family clan only to be told that I shouldn't be allowed back because "I took a player" for the I got into a argument with the owner of the clan and gave her my opinion now I am banned. This is what happens when a clan goes under new ownership for a stranger to the clan. I wish that it was different and I do miss is so very much I still pm a lot but it's not the same handing our strange group chats. Haha but --- will always be my family.
Me too OP. Sorry to hear about what happened to you. Hopefully you can find another clan that would treat you right.
Op didn't mention the name of the clan and the current owner. Friends must be still in there that's why. Maybe...
Grace I'm kinda wondering here... If you were in the clan for 5 years or however long you say, wouldn't you have a high admin position to the point where you could only be kicked/muted by the owner? Or am I just being obtuse.
Best thing to do is ask the current clan members to have a vote on whether they want the current owner in or out. #Kexit