I used all my reward silver bars from events and I still can't get out of this rigged bracket with the 7 op statless Alts that u can't plunder cuz u make crap off of and he is moling from his other Alts like a scum. Please IP ban warring more than one acct.
If he's telling the truth about moving I don't blame him for being salty. Can you imagine if a persons strength in real life was proportional to their attitude and actions on KaW? Half of you would be scrawny little trolls.
His moling gets overlooked because "his alts get top wr and xtal often" and "do not leak" (cause they're statless). KO'ing a leaking ps on your side help makes the war much fairer, am I right?
I know this guy teddyboy and tbh I like him cause he gave me the idea to do what he does and its good dont like it get off kaw devs already know about him