Fill in the blanks game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Phyzi, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. I'm not sure if this has been done before but you just have to complete the sentance of the post above and then provide your own sentance with a missing word for the next person.

    I'll start it off with somthing random like:

    "Hey Nan, pass me the _____"

  2. "This is an amazing ________."
  3. "He is compensating for his little ______ with a big truck."
  4. This seems fun
  5. My mind has gone _____
  6. "He is compensating for his little smart car with a big truck."

    I like big _____ and I cannot lie.
  7. I ______ to my cousin's house on six at the evening.
  8. My father gave me a small loan of a million ______
  9. Everyone type alex is a stupid _____ in chat
  10. 9 + 10 = ____
  11. Hi, man name is _____
  12. Hi, man name is what? Man name is who? Man name is (chika chika) Slim Shady.

    I have a pet ______ that I keep in a pillow-case
  13. 3 + 4 x 8 / 2 - 5 = _________
  14. I ____ my mother, and sister in a bid to show dominance.
  15. Tiny ____ ____ me
  17. Your ____ is really big
  18. My ______ is aching. :( .

  19. The bacon _____ has left the building
  20. My giant _____ is leaking