Allowing gold donations from guild mates

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Satoru_Gojo, Aug 12, 2016.

  1. Allowing gold donations from guild mates that are getting gold without a problem would help those just starting off get stronger
  2. His has been brought up previously and unfortunately would be abused.
  3. I could definitely see this getting abused.
  4. Great idea......
  5. Ill just donate my 8trill to a day 1 player don't worry, they wont LLBC, HLBC in 10mins :roll: :lol:
  6. that isn't enough to max one building on the new lands...
  7. Just cap amount based on your strength like mith is and only allow a certain amount of transactions per day.
  8. Then we would start seeing buy kaw gold here in wc all day
  9. It would cause exploitation too I think.
    "Transfer me X gold or my clan will farm you until you quit."
  10. No support. Events are already a big help.
  12. That would actually be nice :)
  13. We are already exploited. No need to say that out loud like as if everyone is unaware or clueless. :roll:
    @Op, there are lots of PS out there, just be nice to them and your alts can grow easily.
  14. What's a guild?
  15. Why? If it's not bad enough with huge amounts of gold entering the system to allow new players to grow fast now we will see alts passing gold to there main thru gold support for this loony idea..its a want want want game! I want to be as big as the guy who has been tapping away at it for years! Free lands free gold! Kaw just as well make us all bc an have done with it
  16. Did only one person noticed he said guild not clan? :(
  17. Clan*
    And no support. Ab usable for alts to get them strong enough to participate in event rotations then transfer event gold to one account.
  18. Who cares ? Why not let us exploit it? Why are you guys against something like this?

    Obviously it won't happen, but why be against it?
  19. Because there's be a massive fuss from those players who has to work for/pay for their stats and we would get those stats in a month.
    Also because it kills all form of working for something. It'd be too easy.
  20. Guild mates? Seriously? Clan mates maybe