It's that tiem

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. For anyone wondering what happens when you reach the threshold :shock:

    Essentially this is what you get...

  2. Got that months ago matey. 1% boost yay.
  3. 5yr account with 5 day stats impressive
  4. 4 year account wit 1 year stats.
  5. My stats don't suit me in this era of law with six years but if we were the same size you would be my *****.
    It's hard to grow when you're hitting players instead of epic battles. Events are the only breaks from pvp.
  6. My alt has the six year achievement with like 1 mil cs xD
  7. 5 day stats...
  8. 1 year stats..? That's like 10 year stats!
  9. Soooooooooo.....

    Did you find who stole from you?
  10. 3 days and no news feed? :lol:.
  11. I'm looking forward to my 7 year one 
  12. No :cry:
    I'm surprised I can even be stolen since I'm dtw to just about everyone minus scouts.
  13. 5 year acc with 1 month stats :((
  14. You need to stop playing. That's a lot of days.
  15. Nobody ever really retires...
  16. Grats on 6yrs Kas. Maybe u should actually play! :lol:
  17. If that's the case the then most your alliance must of only played a few months
  18. Who cares.....
  19. But did you do it on a cold, rainy night in stoke?