Just Disable Pots in LL alltogether

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by h0neyB00B00child, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. Full support.
  2. And more to the point, aside from time, money etc that some may or may not care about wasting, since pots don't work in ll anyway, what purpose does having the screen pop in serve in the first place? I'm sure it was easier to code it that way since things were already written as such for Indy wars, but would it be that hard to modify?
  3. I can't support this, llwars is low enough trust me there's those like myself that buy and sell pots every war. It's just part of whatcha gotta do to do the do in llwars
  4. I am one of those ppl as well, and yes, it is what we have to do to war both war modes frequently unless they decide to change it, but you are opposed to not having to do it? Curious as to why you would want to have to do that indefinitely if they could offer us another option with what doesnt seem like a monumental change to the code?
  5. Who uses attack pots in Indy anyways
  6. Just disable LL wars bring back round wars :p
  7. Already changing out EQ from IWar to LL n vice versa and takes not much time to do pots as well. A few minutes is nothing much when waiting for 1hr for war start. For IWar 50 to 60 of each pot usually is enough without significant loss of gold if excess sold off for LL.

    I'd rather see World Chat turned off when spamming on idevice. That is a true unnecessary nuisance.
  8. Support, not terribly difficult to sell pots, but rather not have to
  9. Support

    ll wars are open to all sizes and while some of us can afford to sell and buy pots each war, smaller players cant and this affects their growth hugely

    for the record - i think full attack/spy attack pots = something like 4mill so for bc ppl they pretty pointless to have stock anyway
  10. Support. Anyway, I always thought it was kinda a mistake or an omission from devs to leave it there. Why is it even there if it's not just useless but it'd give error to try and use? If they don't let you cast mith after lock down, why would they show an useless pot screen?
    It's not essencial, but it'd help, as long as it doesn't make the game laggier/heavier.
  11. I posted as I did only cause I could see other war aspects that can use some tweaking other than having or not having pots during war. I rather see the time of coding go to something like...

    Creating a new reward system for it since mith is not it's worth anymore.


    Better yet "war lands" to use for wars so you can change you build on the fly without affecting your true build.

  12. I still want mith. Don't take mith away, pls.
  13. Sacrifice is part of war.