Top 500/1000 for Events!

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by xSyN_-Tanner-_SyNx, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. I believe that for events there should be a top 500 and top 1000.
    Rewards should be good maybe not seal but more sb then 15k and maybe someone thing else.
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  2. Cool story
  3. The Focus: There are a good number of people who get passed 15k rewards but are not in the last 100 or 10.

    I feel it can feel a little unexciting for the later half of an event for lots of these players since they have already gone as far as they want.

    A 500/1000 bracket would give more people something to strive for. But I am exploring other ways of making sure it stays relevant to keep collecting once you reach a fixed tier you are happy with.

    I would be interested to hear other community ideas around this type of thing!

  4. Thank God Charlie responds!
  5. Much support, it's a great opportunity for players to keep competing to collect items after the 15k mark. Even though eagle is a noob, I support the top 500/1000 tier
  6. I would love to see a post war tournament for top finishers or something... Whether it be from pvp or war or even top 100. Maybe even include the tiers. So instead of top 100 do a tournament from tiers (like 15k and down) or like blitz challenge for 24 hours that adds something to current bonus for those outside top 100. This way they have something to look forward to.
  7. I miss the top 500 availability, I would push for it back when I was smaller. Lots of incentive tbh. Top 500, 100 and 10 is the way it should be set up. Top 500 get the the unenchanted top top 100 piece, top 100 gets it maxed and then top get the special level 11. Like how it used to be, never should've moved away from that with the events. Made it worth chasing
  8. Ok so take away the tiers, instead have a load of things you can buy in the marketplace at the end of event like seals, horns, crux, silver bars, equip whatever it is events give. This way people get what they want and encourages them to keep trying to collect item's. The best players will still get the most rewards.
  9. So it's like a shop of sorts? So we use the event items to buy the things we desire? I actually like this idea
  10. But then to your idea grizzy, add a cap or a max to the number of premium items you are allowed to buy. Like for seals, have the cap be 2-3 seals buy for sb you can buy unlimited
  11. The seals would be expensive I'm sure the devs could work out the costs and caps on how much you can buy. And i think this wouldn't be hard for them to implement and better than the event structure in place at the moment. I have 44 gold crux and 100 normal crux I don't need any more of them this way we can all choose what we actually need.
  12. If I get 30k event items double the 15k tier lol i don't get anything extra seems not right to me.
  13. Grizzly,

    that's a really interesting idea! Getting rid of the Event Tiers entirely may not be something we do in the short term.
    But I love the idea of being able to use collectables as an expendable resource.

    What do you think is more fun:

    • Being able to pick through a bunch of things you could buy with your collection item

      Or being able to purchase a Box-of-mystery that contains 1 thing from a pool of items. Sometimes you get something great, sometimes you get something average, sometimes you get a sleeping potion.
  14. I'll give you a sleeping potion.......
  15. I like grizzys idea. Shop for things you need. From all the events, there's an abundance of things collected that we barely use. For griz its crux chests. For me its aqua and inferno. Would be nice to war/ eb for things our individual accounts could use to grow.
  16. I would advise against the sleeping potion... Unless you put a timer on it to give a base reward after about 30 seconds lol
  17. KaW RNG confirmed! :lol: Could be an idea good for extra rewards but make it as an option only. Sod, horns, bronze bars, fancy achievements, inferno and aqua.
  18. Lol, being able to pick a bunch of things.
  19. We could make a specific amount of item A or item B (which are needed to combine to create event items) to be sort of an instant lottery tickets, a.k.a. golden keys for the random item box. Or even the war tokens make it convertible to golden keys.