General KAW-Related Future Thoughts

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. For those that don't know me (pretty sure most of you don't), I have been on a very extended hiatus. This game has a special place in my heart because I've played it on and off for 6 years on multiple accounts, but I fear that if I come back and play regularly again, I will become too invested and then this game is going to die.

    To summarize, I want the community's thoughts on these questions:

    What is the future of this game (not just immediate, but a year or more longer down the road)?

    How has the game been doing lately?
    Back when I played around a year ago, the only new things that were coming out were LL wars and repetitive reskinned events. Has this still been going on? Or has the game shown more creative content since I've been gone?

    I am sincerely sorry if another thread has been made like this lately, and I give the mods free reign to lock it as they please.
  2. Events, events, events.
  3. I've been lurking. There just isn't much going on, that's exhilarating or fun, besides the recent ASW. When there's new innovative content, global activity will rise. Until then, it's the same eternal events model we've had the last 2-3 years. No challenge. Absolutely. Boring.

    "For indie F2P developers, they need to focus on demoing exactly what makes the game fun and worth playing, not on what makes it appealing from an aesthetic point of view. If you try to do just that, you might just lose your users, since their attention spans are short, so it’s important to emphasize what makes your game fun, and you have to do it as fast as possible."

    Read this on a news article.
  4. I agree, the grind is getting old. The gap is huge and the thrill of OSW is gone with no real danger of being destroyed with hoards of gold so easily available
  5. I agree with that quote from the article completely. It's such a shame. This game has so much untapped potential. It's insane that the developers have been coming out with such mundane content for so long. I, like many others, moved on to different games, and from what I'm seeing now, I don't think there's much of a point in trying to make a return. Stats have more than quadrupled since I was last here. I may check in every so often to say hi in world chat or forum, but I think this game has finally lost me. Last year, I gave it one more chance and I had lots of fun EE warring and being in OSW, but now that that's all done, I don't think I'll be hitting the attack button ever again.

    I don't know if you recognize my name, but I recognize yours. Cool to see you're still around.
  6. Important updates that have been requested for years are still overlooked. The game has many outdated features that need tuning up. A constant flooding of events brings about a constant flooding of gold that makes most strips ineffective. With that being said, ATA_Charlie has appeared and seems to be taking our advice to heart but I am still skeptical. But hey at least we got an @username feature...
  7. Pretty much the same... Clan roles a while back, new high tier eb now, and the usual repeated events with their pvp blitzes and war events.
  8. How about we just pull a SMASH and update the game and drop everyone's allies and give everyone bars to compensate and see what happens?
  9. Keep in mind, Charlie is a game designer, under the direct instruction of Grant.

  10. Go away pikachu