presidential race

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Azzaro, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. I'll fund a war, if anyone is up for it message me.

    American politics as we know it are going down the toilets if not already have. So to crack a joke and have some fun with it lets do a Republican vs Democrat war.

    Message me for further details will plan a date as the war parties grow.
  2. I think a rock would be a better president tbh
  3. Did one or more of your parents have zika before you were born?
  4. Create two clans, name them Demorats and Replugs. Then battle!
  5. the Independence vs the RepOcraTs
  6. Amen to that
  7. Just let me know who wants to follow through its just something fun to do.
  8. This died before it started. Just like Americas next 4 years.