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Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Charlie, Jul 15, 2016.

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  1. Why did yall screw up clan roles? I still dont understand why
  2. How is it that I still have a 2 second delay in attacking an EB with items, it delays 2 seconds before I can select items. Also, why does it take 5 seconds to open the mage
  3. Why are people so impatient? /lol
  4. Charlie, why oh why did you not lock this thread behind you?
  5. Also there's the question of how much osw can change without changing it so it's no longer osw.
  6. *Cough cough* Please give us back our reset bombs *cough*
  7. Nah resets were a dead feature and honestly a good deal of reset bombs weren't even legal accounts
  8. Silph :eek:
  9. 1) pls update all the useless war equips
    2) pls increase size of clan
    3) pls have new ebs
    4) pls have better events rewards
    5)pls have better sound
  10. When can we expect a new event with special eb like hive was?
  11. Great idea
  12. Only one problem...

    PvP stands for Player vs player, unless it's physically a dev controlling it (which would be pretty damn cool) it's still PvE(environment)
  13. Drgn don't think we forgot that you reset and got you account handed back to you.

    Also, I don't give a damn if someone plays the game different than me. I do care that their style gets all of the damn updates and because of it, it has destroyed the style I like to play by.
  14. Agreed.

    Sadly it doesn't matter, though. Theres an article in one of their local papers from a while back where they commenton bringing in a new upper management type employee. This new guys position was to direct kaw in a new direction. Not verbatim, but along those lines.
  15. What's your point? Even after the reset, comparing our w/l doesn't look like you enjoy pvp all that much.
  16. This is my old mole account I started to use as a main when I reset my Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity account. Trust me, I am all abount pvp. (Don't believe me, send him a pm and I'll confirm it through thay account.)

    My point is, you will defend the devs to no end, that's my point.

    On that note:
    I'm not asking for events. I'm not asking for more pots. I want pvp to happen more.

    EB's led us to a stupid growth gap. Back when it was only highlands, and even with just hoarfrost, when it came to clan wars, everyone in a clan could hit and strip everyone in another clan.

    Now with the gap so damn big, it's not a possibility anymore and unless you play to win you become irrelavent in leaderboard strip drains because you are DTS to the other player.

    I wish there was a solition I could think of.

    An idea is for pvp to have random drops and one of those random drops gives you something that boost your stats for a couple of hours. - but the LBing faries won't like that.

    Or make pvp pay more gold. - But that doesn't solve the gap issue in OSW

    More events? - No, that makes it system hits and ot sucks.

    So unless the devs find a way to erase the gap (They won't) only option number one would work if that drop could be used whenever you wanted it to and was disabled in EE

    But the devs don't give a damn about how they killed OSW and won't fix it. And because OSW no longer has that same feel, because off system pvp bo longer has the same threat, because Stripping no longer hurts, the game has no true free to play compitition. It's dried up and damned.

    Oh, and Drgn, I may throw insults, but at least I also bring more to the conversation than just silly remarks.
  17. I remember. It was around the time EE came out.
  18. You're rusted?!

    I was wondering where you went to.

    I'll back you up, you've ALWAYS been promoting off system PvP.
  19. Where are you, Charlie?
  20. How do you enter the castle code?
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