Purchasing Nob

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by III-Eyerate-III, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. For those with Apple devices is it better to buy nob through the App Store in-app purchase api where Apple gets 30% off the top or through the web app where PayPal gets a much smaller cut instead? Or does it matter?
  2. That came about because apples boots are made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do.

    One of these days those boots are gonna walk all over you.
  3. Apple sucks.
  4. Step 1: Buy Scimitar pro pack on Apple device.
    Step 2: Log onto PC/Computer and buy remaining pro packs with nobility from Scimitar pro pack.
    Step 3: Sit back and the largest grin on your face knowing you have all the pro packs, a ton of xtals and leftover nobility.
    Step 4: Switch account from Apple device to a much superior Android device.
    Step 5: About 6 months later feel buyers remose for purchasing Simitar pro pack or anything on KaW.
    Step 6: Thank AshtonRocks.
  5. True story