The wall"lying"warrior aka sr-ShadowOfDeath

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by II-roni-II, Jul 17, 2016.

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  1. So on that note get a life, get a job, get something lol. Have a good day all
  2. Lmao. You da biggest hypocrite ever. Look at Skinnyminnys ss lol... Das sad
  3. You was dtw in zta .
  4. Still got hard feelings against me, Jackson? It's just a game bro. 
  5. No.
  6. He's telling this guy "it's not about the gold "


    Then suddenly... It is about the gold !


    This noob is a legend. 
  7. [​IMG] double standards deathDandelion you get all s.r onto skinnyMinny .yet you say I can't 1 v 1 and I'm a coward when my history speaks for its self I fighted dkod for a year by myself.You might fool your blankheads in s.r with your lies but most have brains and know the truth.
  8. Its not about the gold. Only reason i play kaw is to hit angry little people like you and skinny roni, besides you cant take it anyway lol. Its supposed to be about having a good time but your psychotic lol
  9. To be honest, I can say skinnyminny and myself have had previous 1V1's and what was reported was true, however roni is bait, she/he only posts threads or spams wc with her ignorance.

    I don't know why this thread is being entertained...

    Stay classy sr and stay off this pile of turd.

  10. Speaking Of angry and psychotic



    I guess he knows all about it 
  11. Sneakbo if what I know about you got known you'd lose your account so slither back and shut up.
  12. Congrats Veronica, you seem to have passed your GCSE English, I pray for everyone you learn how to use it! The fact you still run your mouth even though you are as useful as a ripped condom bewilders me...
  13. And for your info it was death who told me to show the screenshots because he didn't believe I took any.
  14. Sneakbo you are just juvinille and need grow up you think that intimidates me with that sad insult ? Get real.

  15. Enjoy that silence
  16. Roni isnt dtw right now
  17. Haha, your talking bout 4v1 hmmm that reminds me something.
    Apex of Evil vs Aztecs, SR(broke cf), Chaotic Pride (no reason to join), Clan A HQ (because Capone cried to them for help)
    No one from Apex of Evil was complaining, just laughing at how pathetic your clan is. But funny that your there saying that it's 4v1 so you brought your whole clan in, even if you say that it was 4v1 before you brought SR in which is a lie then shows how bad you guys are if you 4v1 AOE but can take the beating back yourself. You and your clan are pathetic.
  18. One - sr are never one to 1v1 .when don rico's clan of about 10 new to kaw players + me was osw rpl .Silent resurgance butted in , along with we are rogue.Then songs of the siren song joined in as well.4-1
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