Dismantle Equip for partial refund

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by SpaceKid, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. We should be able to dismantle our old equip thats now garbage and useless for some sort of % refund. I have all this equipment i will never use again maxed out and new equipment i need upgrading. Even if it is a small % i feel like something is better than nothing!
  2. Support so much old useless equip
  3. % Won't be granted. I'd say crystals
  4. Id swsp gor banner equip
  5. Support, if you can trade it in for Aqua/inferno.
    I believe that we should only be able to get a refund on enchanted equipment so you can't trade in unenchanted hooves for free aqua and inferno and then go get the same drop and trade it in again.
  6. Support.. Don't refund us in Aqua/inferno though , we have enough of that also ..., even 1 xtal or 50b per old equip is better then nadda, I don't want all these pieces of equip , it's cluttered
  7. Nah. Keep em. They are good memorabilia that reminds us of the good old days.
  8. No support. I can already see people farming reck or some other eb that drops equipment for this. As for event rewards? No, those rewards should go along with those achievements.
  9. Support. Equip would affect payout, or you could only sell a certain piece up equip once.

  10. Are you an idiot? Of course you cant trafe in non upgraded equip to get inferno/aqua back if you never used them in the first place. Use common sense mongrel
  11. Are you an idiot? You never stated such a thing in your original post. Either way, no support.
  12. Are you an idiot? You never stated such a thing in your original post. Either way, no support.[/quote]

    Why would i need to? Why would you receive items that you yourself havent used? Its not like equip cost gold so clearly "%" doesnt mean gold it means the aqua/inf/ash/wood/flags and etc you used to upgrade it. So tell me again why i should state the obvious that i figured was common sense that everyone else seems to understand? Have a nice day :)
  13. Then i think you should be a bit more clear in your original post. You want to unenchant your old equipment that you've invested aqua/inferno into for a certain amount of aqua/inferno in return?

    Where does it say anything you've just said in your original post? All i see is "dismantle old equipment for %". This is YOUR idea, not mine or anyone elses on this thread.

    I think the words you're looking for is "Downgrade" and "Unenchant". Also, learn how to quote.