War Lands (Idea)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by DotNet, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. I cant remember if ive posted about this before. I might have. But as the emails from ATA say, ill make another forum post to try to get interest.

    -I think the low plunder of LL wars can make wars end up within 5m which is basically a tie, which isnt a very definative win

    -People create builds in game that they cant use in actual clan wars

    -LL builds have a Rock/Paper/Sissors aspect that makes it difficult for one build to beat certain others

    -If you mix rosters with different types of builds it gets nearly impossible to beat any type of opponent.

    How it works/solution:

    -New WAR ONLY lands are created that can be customizable

    -Exploit builds will not be allowed to be created:

    No SH, only maxed ps1 (which are easily plundered and pay well, therefore not as useful)
    (Only maxed buildings are allowed so no build dropping)

    -The buildings and lands are free and have much bigger stats which makes war more fun and competitive compared to the same old strats of spamming for attacks and breaking our space bars. Since buildings and lands are free, more people will want to war because who doesnt like tinkering around with builds that dont cost any money to mess around with.

    -Bfa/bfe can be allowed to an extent that give static cs bonuses. but only up to a certain amount.


    No exploit builds
    More complex strategy
    More people have a better access to war
    No more rock/paper/scissors with matches
    Allows clans to create more complex builds
    More plunder off attacks gets rid of 5m losses

    comment as much as you want. suggestions and concerns welcome
  2. Sounds like a great idea I think probably
  3. Support
  4. Ps1 not useful ? Hmmm
  5. You state that wars are a rps based on builds - I agree - so if we implement a war lands we should allow minor build alterations after matchup (3-5 building swaps) -> allow you to react to your opponents' builds (and try to anticipate how they'll react to yours) - more fun imo
  6. Good ideas. anything to rid rps and increase plunder. also ps1 are sorta useful. its just i dont want to see gh or sh again
  7. Support! :D
  8. I was gonna say support but u haven't replied to pm :(
  9. Hansels=trash then  everyone would go to tank whatever stats they would have
  10. Support nice idea dotnet
  11. But here's your issue: Devs don't make any $$$ from this.

    Support though, it would be kinda cool. Kinda like CoC?
  12. Is this more EE guys sooking about EE wars. We get it.... You sook up hard , give it a rest

  13. Ok wat

    And who said they have to make money
  14. boo for skim wars
  15. No support.
  16. Support! Make KaW great again!
  17. In Clash of Clans, you have a specific set of "lands" to build bases on for wars only. Obviously i'm not implying it's going to be exactly like CoC lands.

    When have the devs implemented something that would benefit everyone positively on a large scale for free? Especially war related? *moonface*
  18. Support!!! Awesome idea!
  19. Support, people saying it won't make devs money is a lie. More people playing, more Xtals purchased. Would make 200% more money by implementing this idea, then it would if it wasn't implemented.