-1 v 1 Wars, weekly Seal awarded-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. ~Welcome to the Arena, where gladiators fight for the top spot and a chance to win a seal every week.

    Ive got two clans, click me and matrix to view them.
    I will host 1 v 1, 12 hour system wars from here. We also have two more clans now Gladiator Arenas 3 and 4

    Names and win/loss records will be kept on cp for each warrior, as well as the weekly champion and the all time champion. Champions are decided by most wins. Whoever has most wins at end of week will win a free seal!! Provided by me at a clan of your choice for any account you want.

    Thats right, one seal a week i will pay out to whoever has the most wins that current week. War weeks will begin on monday and end on sunday.

    -Only rules are no pure spies. PS1 are welcome. If i find out one person warred two accounts just to get the seal they will be banned from any future competition . And no hitting my doormen for plunder, you must get it from your opponent.
    Opponents must be close in stats, noone wants to see a slaughter, or have bfe/bfa to make up the difference.

    -No outside hits, if you use alts or get help and i get SS you will be disqualified
    -No stripping, keep it classy please. If proven DQed

    If you want to war state in the thread that youd like a match, then use the Challengers list below on this page to find an opponent, the page they posted on is listed beside name so you can view them. Once you find an opponent message them, if you both agree then message me when you two want to war.

    Feel free to use this to settle beefs as well.

    Nothing like locking two warrior's in a cage for 12 hours and seeing who crawls out......mwahahaha

    "To those about to die, we salute you"
  2. Arena 1 here
  3. !!!!!! CHALLENGERS !!!!!!!!

    These people have opted in their seeking a match,
    Post on this thread if your interested in facing any of them or just message them, the page of thread their on is beside their name and stats.

    llEllXllillSllTllEllNllCllEll- 70 mil cs Page 1
    Lonesong- 22 mil cs Page 1
    BLAZE- 18 mil cs Page 2
    Derionicle-. 33 mil cs Page 2

    LMFAO- 17 mil cs Page 3
    I_Leave_Hickeys- 43 mil cs Page 3
    Zacharycabinets- 11 mil cs Page 4
    -grizzly-. 159 mil cs Page 4
    -rugrat- 18 mil cs Page 4
    Vanessa- 19 mil cs Page 5
    SE-Simba-SE-. 49 mil cs Page 5

    _individually_indiosyncratic_- 31 mil cs Page 6
    Unaccountable- 4 mil cs Page 7
    Untagged- 11 mil cs Page 6
    LIFE-. 76 mil cs Page 7

    BlackHammerLSA- 36 mil cs Page 8
    Anubis- 43 mil cs Page 9
    Jackson- 34 mil cs Page 9
    _PrincessHeart_- 25 mil cs Page 10
    DjSnake-. 52 mil cs Page 10
    CrackersDynasty- 44 mil cs Page 11

    Nightsky- 25 mil cs Page 11
    Ninjaghost23- 59 mil cs page 11
    iLikeButter- 11 mil cs Page 12
    Venom- 206 mil cs Page 13
    ShyFalco- 32 mil cs Page 12
    The Gravelord- 32 mil cs Page 16
    Double-a- 20 mil cs Page 16

    Sparta- 50 mil cs Page 17
    Pain_In_Your_Rear- 111 mil cs page 18
    Suptis2- 42 mil cs Page 18
    Sirafk- 28 mil cs Page 19
    Vik- 88 mil cs page 20
    Running scared- 92 mil cs my wall

    This is a list of competitors, stats, and the page youll find them on to view their account.

    Anyone who wants a match please find someone on this list your interested in and contact them and if they agree to fight then contact me and let me know when the two of you can.

  4. Sign me up 

  5. We have our first warrior !!!!

    Anyone willing to challenge him????
  6. We have two warriors of different sizes open for challenges, anyone their cs willing to step up?

    EXISTENCE roughly 70 mil

    Lonesong roughly 22 mil
  7. CheezeHead87 roughly 13 mil,,,,,on my wall, is also accepting challenge
  8. It's kinda sad when you think about it.

    2 players on the forums are doing more at promoting System Wars for rewards more than the devs are.

    Either way, Support to Op and his idea.
  9. Come on guys Lonesong or Existence, anyone close to their size willing to 1 v 1?
  10. Lonesong is ready to go now
  11. I will challenge lonesong but after season finishes
  12. Support. Don't let the devs at it they can't make a thing without it being exploited.
  13. Sooo many people brag about 1v1 and farming on here but not one will come 1v1 this guy for 12 hours for chance at a seal? Lol
  14. We have our first match !!!!!!

    BLAZE VS Lonesong

    Ty to these brave warriors for having the balls to be first
  15. Best of luck to both 
  16. Sounds cool! :) good luck
  17. Ty snoop
  18. I'll give it a try if you can find someone else my size