There is a serious issue that needs addressing for season 6. How on earth are people going to reach 85 medals? Will devs increase payout the last week? Will devs decrease requirement? Or will they leave it how it is. It's been almost 3 weeks and only 13 people have 85 tokens. And there have been almost 90 wars. 2 people hit 85 medals in almost 13 days. Less than 2 weeks, as many people had max helmet. The bar was set by devs and a select few matched it and surpassed it. At least 9 of the people at this point with max s6 helmet are from the same clan. And all 9 agree that something needs to change. And we at Oderint dum metuant all agree that it shouldn't be an increase in payout medals for wins. It isn't fair to those who do every war yet are still so far away. The effort put into it isn't matching the reward. No it is not the same as season 4 or season 5 where it was based on winning over and over. But 13 people with 10 days left? That just isn't fair for majority of players. Less than 100 people even have 55 medals. Many set goals high. And had high hopes. And it's not just the clans sitting high on the leaderboard that put the effort forth. So we as member of the fsm, members of Oderint dum metuant beg you to change how rewards are handled. We ask you not to increase the payout of wars. It's fine how it is. It's fair how it is. Rewarding good wars and fair matches is a good thing. Sure there are free wins handed here and there to us(while some do get more than their fair share), but every clan gets those matches. And other fight for every single win. So please listen to those of us who are fortunate enough to be at the top. Don't raise the payout. Don't change how that is done. But instead make the requirements lowered. It isn't fair for the warriors who are taking a month out of their time to war. Who push their limits, who tow the line on themselves, for those who put everything for their clan. Lower the requirements for the season 6 helmet instead of increasing win payout. Just make it more fair and attainable. Please devs. Thank you. From those at Oderint dum metuant.
Wanted to reply something here. But u kinda said it all. Shorter can ah next time. Cheers to odm. Next time we meet we cheers first before war k? Don Ps don't so kiasi la. Top 10 konon. ๎๎
Oh, I see. Makes sense. I'm not doing s6 but support for all those who are warring their asses off and still far away from 85 medallions.
Oh well, do the devs really listen? I was hoping they'd lower the medal requirements or introduce a top 50 tier in lieu of the abysmal participation rate, even sent them a mail about it. There is barely 120-150 people doing S6 regularly and that's going to drop once the part V event ends. I've been at 79 medals for the last 2.5 days and went up to #13 on the LB, the dev's lackadaisical approach to this season and their response to my mail has been disappointing and I don't feel like chasing S6 anymore. They don't care, they probably will go ahead and double drops in the last week.
If the bar is lowered, that wouldn't be fair for those of us who chose to opt out and sit on the sidelines because we did the math beforehand and realized the structure wasn't viable. I recall recommending (along with others) that wins get 2 medallions so the rewards were more achievable. How does it feel to waste your life?
You could potentially just use a multiplier at the end of the season as well. 1.5 or 2 would seem adequate.
1. You address this problem a week before event ends? 2. This game is pay to win. Time is money if you got the time then you have the opportunity to win. Many of us put in sleepless nights to get LB not our fault or problem that you don't have the same amount of time. Lol is this a joke?
85 medallions is pretty hard to get, but it's not completely impossible. Sleepless nights/days are required. And lots of xtals. Top 10 and 100 is where the competition is at, 85 should be achievable for someone experienced enough in EE wars. But its simply not in this case. From what you say OP, there are only a few people that have collected 85 medallions? What would be funny is seeing 10 top 10 banners, 100 top 100 banners, and only 3-6 85 medallion banners. :lol: Personally, i think there should be a few more war slots. But it might be too late for that. So I'll just join the crowd that's been saying Season Wars have gone down the drain since S4.
If people who spend money on kaw want this to happen , it shall be done Waiting for real wars to comeback INDY or Die ๎