Happy Chocolate Day!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Choccy, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Just want to say Chocolate, I appreciate and thank you for your Event Drops guides and would say #22 or #9 is the incorrect fact yet not worried about Crystals. Have a happy day!!!:)
  2. 22 is fake
  3. #13 because it was Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin, who drank 50 spicy chocolate cocktails a day
  4. It was definitly Montezuma. Axayacatl was his son I believe
  5. You're on it, not far away. But the answer should be 100% correct! :)
  6. Drinking that much has to cause some dietary concerns
  7. Great thread choc although you made me hungry ;_;
  8. How specific do we have to be? Lol. Montezuma II (the second)?
  9. If they are giving away xtals. Then I'd say chocolate needs to be satisfied with the answer
  10. Yes, Montezuma II is correct! Congratulations, you'll soon receive three Health Crystals from the developers! :D
  11. Congrats Jon. Thanks chocolate for a fun thread
  12. #5

    Nutella confirmed for fascist.
  13. Oh kewl. Thanks!

    Great job on the thread btw
  14. There have been some misunderstandings when it comes to the right answer to the competition. The winner of the competition is actually Paradox, as he replied earlier, just with another name than Montezuma II (still referring to the same person).

    Sorry for this guys!
  15. Lol all good. Still a great thread 
  16. Many thanks Chocolate23 for the entertainment. Still waiting for the devs to give you your just reward: a nice shiny blue badge!
  17. The most important fact about commercialized chocolate is that, unless it's from fair trade, it is likely the product of child slavery - not labor, the kids are kidnapped and forced to work for no money at all. Let's not contribute to the world evil for some sweet stuff. Cuz, let's be honest, not many consume the healthy kind of chocolate (twice a year doesn't count).
    Not trying to ruin a very nice thread, chocolate is a marvelous food product in and of itself.
  18. Wow. What a buzz kill. Who pissed in your wheaties this morning?
  19. Great thread Chocolate! (As always)

    Point 6 - I would say it depends who you are kissing #NicCage
  20. smh smh smh