wordwaster for mod

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. on....um....you see....hmm -
  2. Sounds like experience talking

  3. Did someone say nic?
  4. I'm Todd and words love child
  5. Uh huh. Well. I'll have to speak to your father young lady. Because I think I have authority over you. 
  6. I think I'm the midwife..
  7. It's too late to come into my life now I'm 18 and on my own in the world I just need my dad to send me money and help me become the best Kaw player in the world
  8. More like the love of my life 
  9. There has to be money in his pockets to support that thing
  10. Can someone give me am extensive description of what moose did? I'm curious
  11. Was a moose. Also Canadian eh
  12. I cannot.

    It would violate TOU. But, I can offer you this....

    Things that were not illegal that became illegal, made him "corrupt".

  13. Well, she's a guy, so....

  15. Her being his son doesn't make a difference in the argument. He still wouldn't be mine and word would have splaining to do!
  16. OMG...She's channeling Ricky Ricardo...you're in deep crap,word!
  17. HAHAHAHHAA this is 2 tru
  18. also she is definitely a she and the best daughter in the world