We have all had mixed reviews about the nob offers in the Oracle. Some people say they work. Some people say they don't. Let's attempt to come together as a community to help each other out. Use the comments to share which offers were successful for you, and how many nobs you received. Please also include which device you are using. I will update the thread periodically to include whichever new ones have been added, and I'll also include how many people have had success with said offers. Example: 1: Twitter Vs. Facebook- 2 nobs 1 being how many people have posted successful feedback concerning that particular offer. Thanks in advance for your support ?
*** Reserved for adding successful nob offers *** 1: JCP 25% off coupon for entering phone number and responding to the text with the wors fun- 10 nobs (on Android)
•Pepsi, coke, Burger king, mcdonald are working. •The game that if you touch the line you lose a life works. •The colors matching work. •Some surveys work. I noticed some haveverrors such as ; {{{zip_code}}} {{{age_question}}} <- They dont work •The Free Hungry Children survey seems to sometimes work.. Looks like an "Take this answer/choice or get out". •Univox Router works. The Univox Survey Router not tested yet.
Great idea and effort, it may also be useful to say which device using. So far I've tried various enter valid email ones to no avail, I'm using a android. P.s I've tried the just doing the first page, like most people suggest I have no choice but to click continue which then goes into endless loops. Pps. Just tried an earth day survey (just enter valid information) asked me which browser to open in, then asked to open Google play which then wanted to install and unrelated app. I give up!!!
Look my first post. Coke, mcds, etc. Works. Just put your "real info" and click continu, then keep skipping offers. Then close then wait. It sometimes take 2-3 tries.
They changed sooo no good. Honestly they should just implement another method... I have yet to see actual rewards, just people claiming they work.
I've made 75 nobs in the past 12 hours. I'd say 1/4 of the offers under 10 nobs worked, and 1/25 of the ones over 12 nobs worked.
This doesn't really show me anything other than yes you got nobs but for all I or anyone knows you could have been doing purchases etc. I'd like for a step by step ss through the process (of course pertinent info edited) to see which ones work and how exactly