game of thrones season finale predictions

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by BobRoss, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Look it up fam
  2. Jon has no significance politically, he is still a bastard. True lord of Winterfell is Rickon
  3. Jon has more political significance than anyone else in the north.
  4. Jon was just declared king of the north and he is a descendent of the dragon kings

    How is he not politically important?

    He has the northern regions and the dragon queen coming from the south. all this with kings landing in turmoil with cerci enemies coming for her head.
  5. I doubt he will keep it, he has an oath to keep,He will do it for the war. But Rickon is the the true heir, If Bran won't take it then Rickon will
  6. Just my thoughts, I don't mind it all, but he is still illegitimate. The Night's Watch will need a leader after all this is done
  7. End is really Jon Snow waking up as an accountant in Paradise California and this was all a really erotic dream. You see, he likes to get drunk and read King Arthur books before he falls asleep.
  8. That might be a plausible scenario if Rickon hadn't of been killed. :?
  9. Rickon will be back.
  10. Pfft the show is fan fiction, need to wait for next release of the book