wordwaster for mod

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by wordwaster, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. Support
  2. I don't always read forum posts, but when I do, I make sure it's written by wordwaster

  3. Hi there...you think i care? Lol
  4. on my choice of company vehicle - moped. always wanted one. don't know why.

    on perks i will expect in compensation for lowering myself to the position of kaw mod - personal masseuse. i also want a personal gym installed in my basement, at ata expense.
  5. on a completely unrelated subject - on happy endings - who doesn't love happy endings?

  6. I love happy endings
  7. Lol glad someone said something about quoting the whole thread.
  8. The only reason I came here.
    No individual support for op.
  9. on ashesofeden - ashes will be allowed to post whatever ashes wants. nobody puts ashes in the corner. furthermore, i fully intend to unlock and ungraveyard all of ashes' past threads.
  10. On this point alone,a legendary Mod to be...

    On a side note: Miss Melon,I'm now accepting new clients...;-)
  11. This was so long
  12. on things being long - :cool:
  13. There goes any chances you ever had at actually being made mod.
  14. Gross I hate you and your thread
  15. He was speaking of his upcoming tenure as Mod...where's your head at, Purp? :-D
  16. on whether i have; or will, ever go through the actual mod application process - :lol:
  17. Purps mind is in the gutter obviously. I could clearly see his intentions from a mile away. #Wordformod
  18. #OliForMod2016