Will the UK stay in the EU?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nathan_WINNING, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. Teresa may will get pm and activate article 50 by the end of September
  2. Only!!! Only a 72% turn out!!! The largest turn out ever!! 52 want out 48 stay! Over1.4million more want to leave than stay! Democracy in action! I dont care how many extra voted for out! If we had won by 1 vote then tough that's how it works....out all the way
  3. Democracy is not to tyranny of majority.
  4. Well except for the other times when a higher percentage turned out. 1992 for an example http://www.ukpolitical.info/Turnout45.htm
  5. I think the turn out was pretty impressive even though I was a stay supporter. The dude that created the petition for the 75% turn out is a leave supporter who believed the system was rigged and leave would lose.
    Once again the young generation didn't really bother to turn up to vote and they are the ones that complain about the vote the most :/
    The referundum should have been parliamentary binding so that fewer ppl would be complaining so much. If it was binding,a 55% majority rule could be set - so that there was a more clearly defined winner.
    (Last time I post on this thread until September)
  6. if that had been the case then it would of been run like the general election in which case the vote would of been 68% to leave either way you look at it its still a vote to leave
  7. To be honest I'm not for binding referendums of any kind. Politicians are elected to take responsible decisions and to take responsibility for their decisions. After a referendum a politician can run away of responsibility. In this particular case, if BREXIT will turn into a disaster, the next PM can't be made responsable for it. She/he will use the "You vote for it, so suck it up" excuse. And that's the reason I think the next PM of UK must be a LEAVE supporter. One who campaigned for LEAVE, one who said that Leaving is great and therefore shoulden't have any excuses if he fail to make it work.