Guys or Girls? You choose.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Ugh you are a bigger lier than any guy i know
  2. lmao Salty is great 10/10 diss on her
  3. Ironic truly honestly ironic
  4. wattz. you are obssessed dude. move on.

    i swear to kawd i'm going to rip out my eyes if i have to read you say "purple is a liar" one more time. its just over and over and over and over and over and over again.
  5. Is it
  6. CHEEZUS you can all love me in the most polygamical way, but only Kasama has my heart now. <3
  7. I actually don't care but your reactions are priceless.
  8. I will take you up on that offer
  9. Wattz I will delete KAW just so u can have the forum fame u so desperately crave. I hope you impress millions of people with how cool u r on this game
  10. Wattz ouzzes Coolness and is destined for Kaw Greatness.He's already got my respect and that no easy feat to get.
  11. Oh wow he's respect by roni I better watch out
  12. It is because you're the one who would lie for like hours then the next day confess
  13. Hey purpleeyelashh why don't you go ask all your new kaw friends to write some new forum threads that you can try bump up your comment numbers on for attention .Because we all know you can't think and get a decent interest thread written that's only your own work.
  14. Right and where is the proof?
  15. We both know who's being honest here
  16. Lol. I don't own a single designer or fake designer purse. I don't even carry a purse. Soooo. Way to generalize.
  17. Do we?
  18. Honestly I don't care about this tbh so I'm done responding to you you can keep following me on every thread and kissing up to anyone who disagrees with me and I'll just be here livin my life
    If having popularity on this game is so important to you that you have to lie then so be it I'm not here to ruin anyone's time I just like talking to ppl
  19. You say you don't care but it certainly sounds like you do. Be careful purple.
    I was super addicted to this game when I first started. Then I let people in forums get to me on a personal level and I rage quit in a bad way. That's why I'm this small and almost at my four year achievement.. I went off and I quit until just a few months ago.
    Don't repeat my mistakes. Try to remember you'll never meet any of these people in rl and they literally do not matter.
    I'm not trying to be condescending. I'm being real with you. Don't let forum jerks ruin the game for you.
  20. What you try to do purple is slander wattz name with your lies about him.You think if you carry on crying wolf and trying play the victim that everybody will turn on Wattz and hate on him.But there's always 2 sides to every story and yours isn't to be believed.