Return of cooldragondudelozz

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by lwsc21, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. what's up guys, I used to play and post a lot a few years ago, just wondering if anyone from back then is still around
  2. We all died and reanimated as zombies.

    So to answer your question, it depends.
  3. No one. Least of all Sholron. 
  4. He has a point
  5. Not really. Sholron is a zombie I guess, so he doesn't count much. Drgn is green so he's still green. I'm a dog so I'm still dog.
  6. With a super sick name like that who could forget
  7. Oh haaaaaay, I remember you guy... You were that muscley armed paper boy.. I still have those popsicles if you're feeling a little warm, and sweaty..

    Let me just whistle you your favourite tune..

  8. it me, the sasuke.

    We used to talk
  9. Lol i remember when you first joined. Welcome back mate.
  10. I vaguely remember you lol