Stripping in S6 I approve of stripping of all kinds. 1. Stripping down a job site. 2. Strip Malls. 3. Strip Mines. 4. Chicken Strips. 5. Stripping WWE Titles. 6. I cant say this one in forums. 7. OSW Stripping. 8. SW Stripping. I find nothing wrong with it. If you don't want stripped in EE then spend your 4 to 15 mith and hide them. My personal opinions about the matter is this: If I am spending 15 mith a day to hide my allies and someone on the other side decides to save that mith and go into war showing what they have, then hell, I could use some better BFA! Let me borrow some of yours! And when I happen to relieve you of that bfa, I'll post in CC that you're open for steals! You know, because, why not. Let's all take a moment to realize I used your and you're properly. Now, I've only done it once. I'm not going to spends tens or hundreds of billion in gold to strip someone for a war advantage. I'll pluck off some of the smaller ones and my team will have their way with your plunder. I've also had it done to me and I let the owner of that clan know that I approved of his actions. We had someone who didn't mith up before war, it's their fault. The reason why I am bring this up is because of a recent war. I track for my team so when I am filling out my sheets I look at every account and check out everything I can. (I don't scout because we will know your build 30 minutes before war and everyone can make a plan in that time) Anyways. *Breathes* Recently I saw two players on the other side with their allies out. I SS their top twenty, looked at the allies and saw that one of them had a few allies under 18bil with one that was 9bil. A very doable grab and tap in my opinion. Well, I brought it up in CC and some player we picked up to fill a hole from World Chat was offended! Threw a fit and then a couple more players expressed their dislike for the strip. Needless to say, it didn't happen. Now, I don't blame our WC turning down the strip just to end the drama in the clan but I was baffled by the disinterest and out right offense that it brought people. If you're not willing to strip, you're not a kaw warrior, you're a fairy, in my opinion. I know, I know, I'm a coma expletive I guess its because I am a fan of the Roman God of Agriculture. Which was Mars, better known as the God of War.. Get it Farming, Agriculture, War, OSW/EE. Your thoughts. Anyways what do you think? Is stripping fair game? Do you think it is wrong? Am I just an ass that uses the size bbcode too much? I am an ass Would you do it if you could? Talk, argue, and farm each other in the comment section. Yelling and heated debates that don't break the TOU is welcome
Fantastic use of your/you're! *Constructive criticism: use the correct then/than and you'll be on your way to grammatical greatness!
It's only wrong if you fail to let you teammates know of the potential consequences. Stripping someone is an act of war and therefore all involved needs to be informed of the possibility. As long as you do that, then skip the system war and jump right into the wonderful world of limited sleep and random wake ups
Even when I had a few trillion in allies and the game was only as big as highlands I told my team to let them just strip me. Never worth being woke up. I only lost sleep when it came time to strip someone.
Well if you have to cheat to win maybe you shouldn't be doing wars Or maybe find a good war clan to war in
Why is it cheating? Where is the rule book or ee code of conduct written down? I'm not saying I agree with it or not, that's a decision to be made by the ppl that are warring at the time. I would argue that IT IS a valid tactic though even if some ppl see it as unethical.
Lil-Jeffs-Big-Brother is just a crybaby. Anyone who calls it cheating is a gutless coward afraid of a real game war.
Honestly, until the devs stop players in wars from being able to buy allies, I think stripping is a completely legitimate tactic. I've never done it, but I've had it done to my clan plenty of times. But I'm never mad the other clan, only at the person who didn't hide their allies. I mean, it only costs 4 mith to hide your allies for a war...