So much for the hammering mate! We did our wee country proud but a terrible way to go out. I hope Wales do well.
So..... After the first day of mistakes and blunders and dive performances.. Poland, Wales and Portugal squeaked by! Wow.. Poland-Swiss and Wales-NI were pretty evenly matched and they got the better of the others.. Croatia imo dominated the game but Portugal snuck thru in extra time.. Great matches.. I am now 3-0 in my predictions.. Ooga Chaka..
Oh really? We all saw him, all I have to do is lightly push him and he will be on the ground holding his leg crying.
Watching England play is depressing. I ponder how we can have arguably the best league in the world, yet learn so very little from it.
I think they play good they have dominated games there is something wrong with their finishing. If their striker's get their ass in gear they will go far.