Season 6 Farms Special thanks goes to Anarchir for the sorcery provided that allows us to click their name to farm. Some of us have agreed to save from hitting in our respective OSW's while in our EE clans. And some us us, regardless of our out of war situations, just hate hitting EB's between wars. So let's make a farming list. Moles and Inactive list: (Spammers also welcome) Please list player's full account name and the war where the infraction occurred. Instead of listing their number, the number in front of each player's name will be how many different wars they fouled in. (Especially useful for moles) - All moles can plead their cases. - Page number will be given after all moles name for when they plead their case. - Must provide SS (screen shot) of all spammers. Example: Inactives: 3 - Sleeper 6 - Clean_Maggot ^1-----^2 ^1: Number means number of fouls. ^2: Players Name Moles: 1 - Ata_Grant 5 4 - Ata_Miles 2 ^1----^2--------^3 ^1: Number is number of wars reported ^2: Players Name ^3: Page number where player counter claims. Happy farming
Inactive 1: X-Ironman 1: Lord_Skittles 1: SexyPug 1: 101010011010011001011010100110 1: Mr_Brown 2: GreekGod 1: Nighthawk_FPBO_1 1: IC_DaViciousCobra_IC 1: Queen_Krystalynn 1: Biggun_The_Avenger Jon12345678910 Gabrielleaofwar Robin_Yo_Hood Omg SOLO_KingDinoReaper_MERC dannyjens-_ synful InZane_In_The_Membrane RyDeR_SaintsPitbull_FU Blazed_420 III_trojan_III BLAZE SporadicCalligraphy -Swizzy- Blazed_420 IC_Spider570_IC Happy-_- TK_____HeRo_____TK 7Danny -TheSunIsCold- BETTO
Is there provided evidence for the names on this list? Perhaps offering a link to a document where evidence is held would increase accountability and trust.