✯The EU Referendum✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. It's today so in or out what ever you think is best go vote help decide the future of this country .
  2. Voted out for many reason truly believe we should never entered in to start with
  3. My grandad did not fight ww2 and my family did not fight in battle of trafalgar and fight napoleons wars so we can be rule by eu. Time to take England back
  4. Why did they fight?
  5. To stop dictators taking over Europe Eu doing by the back door
    France want out
    Portugal want out
    Italy want out
    Greece want out
  6. Well said we don't want to be the United countries of Europe. We don't choice or vote for the EU Leaders we are supposed to be a democratise not a dictatership. I want your fishing men to be able to fish with out the EU stealing their quota to give over seas. I want to be able to buy a curvy cucumber. I want our government to be able to choose what to spend money on. I don't care about free movement that's why we have passports ferry n planes. We managed perfectly well for hundreds if years without the EU. And we will always be part of Europe even if we're not in the EU.

  7. You an idiot or....?

    Britain and its EUROPEAN allies came together to fight in world war 2, they didn't fight alone for the freedom of Britain. All countries formed an alliance. Moron.
  8. Sorry...but why exactly you can't be satisfied by a straight cucumber?

  9. Chapter 14 in "Why cucumbers are better than men,"...maybe?¿?....idk ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
  10. Sadly it's not ENGLAND it's the united kingdom making this decision.
    Oh and Trafalgar and napoleons wars ? So they were Royal Navy and Army ? Seems plausible
  11. The UK. Not just England.

    die English people!
  12. Brexit currently in the lead with 54.2%. 7.3% of the vote counted. Will be interesting to see if it changes much as more gets counted
  13. It just serves to destabilize the world further and plunge the UK into recession. Trade deals will be mucked up, the UK will lose control of its border with France, workers will have less protections, the EU and Europea unity will be weakened, the UK will lose all influence that it has in the EU, and the country isn't going to keep such warm relations with EU nations after making such moves that threaten the EU.
  14. FREEDOM !
  15. Looks like they're out lol.
  16. The pound's strength already dropped, can't wait for the mass sell out when the London stock market opens in a few hours.
  17. Rip.
    Should probably sell my stock tbh..
  18. I'm extremely worried about the fall out and the cuts to public service from this result.
  19. Imma go holiday in england
  20. Farage meine fuhrer 