S6 Reward tiers

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Come_Inside, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. After 4 weeks of grueling Low Land wars what are your views on the rewards?

    These are the current rewards provided by KAW on our devices home page

    Top 10
    6000 Silver Bar
    1 Rampant Raider - 25%
    1000 Mithril
    1 Emblem of the Chaotic Incursion ( Attack: 5.5% Defense: 1.5% Spy Attack: 5.5% Spy Defense: 1.5% )
    Otherworld Pactee Gold lvl 1

    Top 100
    4500 Silver Bar
    1 Rampant Raider - 20%
    750 Mithril
    1 Banner of the Vessel of Madness ( Attack: 4.5% Defense: 1.25% Spy Attack: 4.5% Spy Defense: 1.25% )
    Otherworld Pactee lvl 5

    Collect 85 Incarnation Medallions
    3500 Silver Bar
    500 Mithril
    1 Rampant Raider - 15%
    1 Flag of the Unholy Conduit ( Attack: 3.5% Defense: 1% Spy Attack: 3.5% Spy Defense: 1% )
    Otherworld Pactee lvl 4

    Collect 55 Incarnation Medallions
    2500 Silver Bar
    250 Mithril
    1 Rampant Raider - 12%
    Otherworld Pactee lvl 3

    Collect 30 Incarnation Medallions
    1500 Silver Bar
    125 Mithril
    1 Rampant Raider - 10%
    Otherworld Pactee lvl 2

    Collect 15 Incarnation Medallions
    1000 Silver Bar
    60 Mithril
    1 Rampant Raider - 8%
    Otherworld Pactee lvl 1

    Collect 5 Incarnation Medallions
    500 Silver Bar
    30 Mithril
  2. xtal rewards, more sb, cooler looking banners, and life not getting mod :D
  3. Support "life not getting mod"

    Anyways I think they should add a bit more. It seems that eb events get more attention and rewards then actually wars which the game is based on. If we add a couple xtals n more equipt I'll appreciate this season a bit more. Make it worth our time and money
  4. Pretty boring rewards, not enough for the effort
  5. EB's themselves pay well, and we get rewarded well from doing them through events.

    PVP doesn't always pay low, but it's not as good as doing a HTE. It's also expensive to keep your medal count high, yet we're rewarded pretty poorly.

    Should be the other way around I think. Double the silver bars for all tiers, and have a few pieces of new, reasonably powerful armour for the top 10, one or two for top 100 and one random piece for the top tier for collecting.

    With either a percentage gain, or a plunder percentage gain. Give that stat some love.
  6. No stupid helm equip give us a chest plate. And anyone that wars and spends enuf time should get more than 3.5k bars for a whole month
  7. No support
  8. Not worth it in my opinion. It'd be pretty cool getting 55 or 85 medallion tiers, but that's pretty tough with 112 war slots assuming a realistic win rate.

    At best maybe I could carve out the time to do ~30 wars, and that'd be pushing it.

    If wins were worth 2 medallions it might be feasible....
  9. No suppprt

    Jk hmm looks ok i guess for top bottom tier rewards suck
  10. I think rewards are a bit too hard to get, and should have more factors than a victory, but devs haven't changed anything yet and they won't
  11. 85 wins for this banner is rough thats over 3 wins a day bc i know i wont be winning multiple in a row not to mention the 50 dollars on xtals you have to spend idk if this is worth the reward

    Please make a petition for one medal a loss atleast and go with 2 for win 3 for double victory bc these rewards are a tad bit unrealistic. For example even if i did war 3 times a day thats alot of time devoted to kaw a day and i still prolly wouldnt even get 55 items thats just stupid.
  12. You can do it in 43 wins with the buff, but that's still expecting you to win over a third of the total wars (and that rate is assuming you do every single one, it'll be far higher accounting for losses, wars you're unavailable for, and no matches)
  13. Also just watch the drop rate increase half way through the event
  14. It has to otherwise ill be doing 3 wars a day for for 28 days for what 4 trill might aswell just buy 3 seals and earn that in a week
  15. No S6 equipment lol
  16. The equip is that helm that you have a relic for
  17. Compare to duration of season 6 rewards of silver bar
  18. Nice rewards
  19. Giving medals for losing will only bring inactive people doing LL wars.