New Player Introduction

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Titan_God, May 5, 2016.

  1. Amazing job titan, nice to see it having it's own website dedicated to it now. (Hope your hosting isn't much)
  2. Good job titan
  3. Thank you all hope it helps the new players out much as possible :)
  4.  Well done Mate.
  5. This is very helpful I tell all my friends that r new to read this guide awesome work .
  6. Great job TG
  7. Thank you Ultra :)
    Noticed though got a few updates to add so will be on that tomorrow.
  8. Cool. Looking forward to seeing them.
  9. Presently working like mad on the epic battle guides for this. I will post again once they are finished. Did you know kaw has 47 active ebs? Never counted till now lol that does not count BR epics ;)

  10. Titan its completely changed since i last viewed this. You are doing a great job with it. Much respect
  11. Thank you Charlie, I'm constantly at work on it although won't see changes every day you'll see changes perhaps or additions a few times a week :)
    ╚╗╠ 40k CSEVENT EBS
  13. What starter clan has a min cs?
  14. Kawguides has a rather slightly better look as of today, plus I have put the following into the guides section.


    This is the complete land cost guide. Prices for each land and cost to lc each land.

    Also have begun the building and units guide.

    As of now only the tier one buildings have been completed so this will help new players but am constantly working to get the rest done and will be releasing these in tiers.

    Still working on the other guides as well as calculators.

    Thanks for visiting :)

  15. Holy cow that looks sexy. Very nicely done Titan