"Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle*Updated*

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Focke-Wulf-190D, Jun 17, 2016.


Do you think we should still be able to watch a set amount of ads per day for nobility?

  1. Yes

    30 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. The fyber option works well enough

    0 vote(s)
  1. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    If you're going to make a support list don't add people to it who don't agree or haven't actually supported.

    Like me. Please take your fake supports and fake names and go somewhere else. Thanks
  2. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    I added you?
  3. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

  4. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    I can't find Mango... But op, you really should remove your two alts at the top of the list.
  5. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    Im keepin Suptis because they removed it. Cant get it back.
    Removed suptis3
  6. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    Support. Although theses petitions rarely work.
  7. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

  8. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

  9. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    Support. These misleading 'offers' encourage gambling and submitting personal info.
  10. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    It looks like with one of the offers I got signed up for a messaging subscription that charges me monthly (and I only do the ones that ask for email)...niiiiccceeee
  11. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    @ Karma
  12. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    No I've had over 400 free nobs from this... Don't do surveys... Do free trials
  13. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    They arent getting taken put bc theres people like m that actually know how to do them.
  14. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    To be fair, it wasn't an under the radar charge, I would have done the email entry yesterday and I got a text (supposably from the subscription, and also Sprint telling me it was added shortly after) today telling me about it. It's annoying, and definitely a reminder that people should be watching their bills (in case they acquire a more nefarious subscription)
  15. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    I have gotten nobs from these (45 nobs yesterday for example) - it's not just people who don't know how to do them that have issues
  16. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    I feel like some people probably continue the survey on wrong tab. I,e. when you finish the email sign up it takes you to another tab, and people continue on that instead of going back to the original tab.
  17. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    Agreed. I know to go back to the first tab though
  18. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    @Suptis - remove me from the Petition as a signatory, I never agreed to sign it

    I've just been pointing out my observations and opinions on the product, not whether or not I think it should be removed
  19. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle

    I personally don't use the free nobs tab however I have heard so many bad stories from people getting scammed or even getting people calling them 24/7 trying to sell them products (why I avoided it)

    I support dodgy scams being removed from the list especially if they have no plans to pay out and avoid it with loopholes.
  20. Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle
