Official KaW Youtuber

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by KaW-player-Ivan, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Try doing time-lapse videos while doing eb, unlocking new lands, building and upgrades.
    Then maybe do some math tutorials about other important aspects :lol:
    Collaborate with experienced players about wars, mercs, social aspects and history of kaw etc. . Just make the videos interesting, fun but not too funny and flashy.
  2. This is the best suggestion by far,

    and when you think about it you can try doing interviews,

    show different play styles etc. Good luck and keep us posted.

    P.s perhaps can try and make it interactive. Idk if possible.
  3. Corinthian did videos when mod and directly after.
  4. There is a reason why there are no dedicated KaW youtubers >.>
  5. Bummer. Was hoping this thread was going to tell us we can now embed youtube videos in here, cos we should have that.
  6. Tell us funny stories while you play
  7. Good luck on your YouTube adventure. Hope you bring something new to the table.
  8. First of all thank you all for your support I really loved your comments on my idea, however, I will still make KaW youtube videos but in new account.. I want to start everything all over again 

    I have abandon this account..
    And yes I will dedicate myself to being first KaW Active Youtuber..

    Moderators, you are allowed to close this thread 
  9. How can I find your videos?
  10. But you aren't the first KaW youtuber. You will just be the only current one.
  11. Read that carefully "First Active KaW Youtuber", there is a reason why I stated the word "active" ... Which means the only active player
  12. The Youtube channel has been created but no videos so you cant find it yet.

    I have lots of sorts of ideas to make KaW youtube content not boring such as "Top 10 KaW Flag Banners"
  13. OK well let us know when you've made some so we can check it out :)
  14. Cool. Good luck, i look forward to watching :D
  15. Well let me put it like this, they were all "active" at one point. Otherwise there wouldn't be the videos. You are just the current one.
  16. I wish you well with your endeavor.
  17. You know what.... I was thinking if someday I become famous on youtube because of KaW, everyone would farmed me
    Terrified me to death...
    Hope there are no troll farmers
  18. Anyways, I will also be putting my facecam like Pewdiepie so... Yeahhh... Be patient....

  19. You have to be really really funny
  20. Focus on the fact it is 24/7 a World Wide with suckers from almost every continent playing