Top 500 rewards?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Infam0us, Jun 16, 2016.

  1. So many of us have warred for most of even all the event. Not complaining about losses or match ups but reward brackets. Most of us don't have time on our hands like -cough- top 10 -cough- . So we do what we can. Example; I made top 147 war tokens. Yet I'm still getting the top 500 rewards? Does that even make sense? I mean I did a lot as well but still no crystalline or better rewards. They should have top 500, 250, 100, 50, 10. In my opinion. Top 500 rewards are literally garbage for making that close to top 100, yet being bumped down and classified as top 500. Come on devs, WYD?
  2. According to my war leaderboard, players needed 3600 war tokens to get top 500. Maybe you have a different one.
  3. He meant top 147, and I think that they did that on purpose, whatever their reasoning is. Maybe they wanted to make it more competitive, after all it is war.
  4. Devs wont cater to everyone.. Sorry about your luck bud..
  5. Ah, misread, got it. Close but no cigar!
  6. #TB to when events had top 5000
  7. It's a competitive game, and the reward tiers are announced at start. I made 101 once I didn't like it. I got the 500 rewards and to me it's fine. Frankly, adding tier rewards would make it less competitive. So no support.
  8. No support stop complaining
  9. There were only about 1,200 accounts participating in wars during that event.

    So 40% of participants qualified for a leaderboard reward.

    Let's please not have too much grumbling about this as adding the top 500 reward was a generous concession.
  10. If you made 347 would you also want top 350? How about if you made 11, would you want top 15? :roll:

    Devs cannot cater to every single person. Those who war all the time to get the top rewards (you know, the ones who you refered to as having no life) worked for it. I doubt they ended up there by fluke and deserve the best rewards. They have the time for it, good for them.

    Events are not 'Oh you were close enough to top 100 so we'll just give you those rewards'. You were not 'bumped down', you were given rewards for the tier you reached.

    Rewards are made clear at the beginning of the event. You know roughly what's needed to get there. If you can't devote x amount of wars per day, bad luck.
  11. Op try harder next time or shut up, you clearly knew rewards before you started they never changed them
  12. They should add top 500 for item drop reward again also...why only war top 500? Only like 60 people war and their 300 alts...
  13. Why don't you shut up mr. broken sword? LMAO
  14. You're used to coming in last place any way mole. 
  15. Yet it would be better for different brackets. People did few wars and made top 500. We made it so close and still got top 500, invalid.
  16. I think the top rewards should be handed out to the exact amount I made and better. I mean I knew what the levels were before I started but I tried really hard. Oh the people that finished 1 spot behind me, they suck and should try harder, they also need to quit whining and asking for handouts. I earned everything I have though but was robbed by unfair rules and standards.

  17. Nice ee1. I'm sure you got a good war clan due to the fact that pvp rejected you lel
  18. It's not invalid. You only collected items for the top 500 tier and that's what you get. This isn't 'We'll give you the next reward cause you were oh so close'. Sorry mate. Close but not close enough. The fact that some had to only do a few wars for top 500 is a participation problem.

    If 250 was added people would still complain about missing out and about the difference between 250 and 500.

    Tiers are made clear at the beginning of the event. If you can't reach the next tier, too bad, better luck next time.

    There'll always be someone complaining about just missing out. It doesn't matter whether there's 1 million tiers or 1.

    Btw, it's not like this is going to be the only event. Plenty of events for you to reach top 100 in.

    Maybe devs will take note and add top 250 but I doubt it.

    May I suggest asking a whale to support your case or some members of LB. Devs may listen to you then. :grin: