I realised i no longer have the time to make rosters from WC and to do it twice or more a day would be too much Lock plz
Ps leak much worse than ps1. Your open to inc whenever you have gold out. Since you cant full bank at marketplace you will leak a min of 1 troop hit per stl, probably more. Gl with that lol.
I would recommend a CoE bud. You'll end up leaking even more as ps trust me. every ass ko roughly 25m leaked
I have made ps1 rosters almost since like January or longer and i get what u mean but about leaking but trust me against hyb or tank some people leak loads. Which lets down the team for example once a person leaked 40 att in one war while lowest was like 7...
9 x ps plus 6 x tanks 6/10/2/6 This roster will make all attk heavy and hybrid heavy clans crying of course u need to make sure your ps won't get strip in war And yup, this roster need skills and team works