Stop ll wars because it is hard to find a clan and sometimes we won't get match up If lowland wars are there then why to increase our kingdom Keep same stats for clan wars also.If s6 will have ll wars then it is hard to find a permanent clan and most of them are not interested in ll wars now ll wars are doing because if they lose also they get 300 or 200 as a reward that's why all are doing ll war
It's the only way bugs and smalls can fairly war together, I support it, but not to be the only war in s6
Actually both ll and indi do give items to both winners and losers, loser only gets a small amount compared to the winner, but not every member will get them. Like mith it's based on your overall plunder and actions.
War 12 has 9 match ups for Indi. The other night was 7 for LL War. How many ppl in War 12 do LL also? The answer is all in War 12 r not Indi only.