Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. This was on my thread

  2. Bottom of the 9th, it's tied with 2 outs. Ashes at bat........
  3. Ashes' bat is Ash. Ashes gets at bat and bats his purple eyelashes
  4. Not at home. No WiFi. Slow connection. Misses items :geek:
  5. Low battery. Left charger downstairs. Signed for war. Too lazy to get up
  6. I'm so glad I'm your muse
  7. Wants to make cookies. Gets all other ingredients together.
    Realizes that we have no eggs.
  8. Savaged HTE item phase,was painful.lost control of moped. In traction.
  9. Woke up to pee, stumbled into FFA HTE, unloaded, xtalled, unloaded, realizing all allies gone goes back to sleep.
  10. You never know ️
  11. Will you be my girlfriend?
  12. Takes Girl Up to room. What the-. Wakes up with sore ass.
  13. Tries to poop - can't. Takes diuretics- Expolodes. What is left is kaw -End
  14. I like picture books

  15. Invite AJ to a Line Chat. Provide constructive criticism. Line Chat gets nuked.
  16. Mexican Nukes?..

    I knew it!