Wait lmao did this clown jus describe his self, this the same clown that hit me I returned fire he jumped me epic failed then decided to hit others when no one failed for his tuff guy act I guess attacking down is as tuff as he gets
I'd have to agree with the other people who labeled you as a troll. OP was a nice read. Wish SaltyFeet would come back. He or she was amazing!
Honestly I've wanted to be bullied for so long but I feel like chopped liver. Everyone just ignores me. I'm going to get super good and farm you all watch out
The Battle List should be changed to Cuddle List and Kingdoms at War should be renamed Kingdoms at Peace. :roll: Also, what about the genderfluidhood, the nonbinaryhood? Gosh OP, you're such a hypocrite. "Stop bullying, however let's exclude everyone but the brotherhood."
I've already considered this and will address it in the next post. The revolution starts tomorrow. #StopKAWViolence
You can't be serious. Bullying in forums? Come on, obvious troll is obvious Well played though Wait, I mean, you suck! Quit the game and fall down a well Whew, almost went off topic and forget to bully in forums
What makes this thread so terrible is people who don't understands ops humour and depth. They just have no ideal how to comprehend it. A lot really need to get over themselves
I imagine some of the people you think "don't get it", are actually just playing along. I have to think that; because if it weren't true, it would be too depressing.