Snoopy its not about how much money you make in osw.its about being loyal and supporting your clan in osw .But snoopy doesnt know how that feels because he is too busy jumping around in every outside clan of iG.And now lost his bottle and called for C.F.
Strength of your convictions, know what you want the clan to be and stick to it. Kaw has many styles of play and clans work best with like minded people in them.
and having structure and a few rules but not being so rigid and tight when rules get broken . Also being leniant and able to compromise and not being overly bossy.
Op... You prefer to be in the background? Seriously? All u do is open your mouth and try to be heard regardless of relevance or reason. You're an annoying part of the current state of idiocy we constantly see in forums *drops the mic*
I was thrown off when you said I lost my bottle. I don't remember us talking about bottles? Thought we were talking about your irrelevance and big mouth?
That punctuation… It bugs me so much I can't bring myself to read any of the posts. Is anyone able to rewrite the post using proper period and question mark placement?
Yeah^ Seriously Roni, mix in an English class. People would respect you a lot more if you didn't type like you're 10 cans deep. (Cans of Sprite, of course)
Respect from grammar and punctuation? Guess I've been respecting people for all the wrong reasons. :cry: It's been said already, but clan owners definitely need to be patient and willing to devote a considerable amount of time to teaching, building and delegating. I believe it's also true that a clan is only as good as its members. It takes a group effort.
Drops the mike mel ? You can't even rap else you'd have wrote on the cypher thread.just another leech .And funny my alts been in asguard soldiers many times my good friend from A.S is SeanJohn .You never speak at all.Plus me saying I prefer to be in the background means I prefer to be just a normal clan member not a clan owner or admin so I can just hit and run in the eb . Being a clan owner is a role you take on .That has no link to how much or how little I talk.So Mel you just come across as being a bandwagon jumper with nothing to say of importance.Else you would have spoke up against me years ago.
Narwhal why you doing all them dots ? Nowhere is it taught in English classes to do lots of dots in a sentence.Do you think it looks cool to write them all to build up the suspence ?
That's where you're wrong, Roni. "..." is an ellipsis. A very valid and common literary device commonly used when quoting to omit a certain sentence without changing overall meaning.
Roni , fighting us for a year ? DP lasted like a month your memory is shot. DP didn't even fight . The laughs I get off of all the made up stuff you come up with .
Don't even bother lying puns i fighted dkod for over a year.I feel so sorry for you you needed help and cryed to 6 clans against me and drastic parasite.Totally pathetic you are a clan owner known for his lies.That isn't a redeeming quality to have within being a clan owner.
No pharacus it's only write like people write text speech .it is not a proper way of speaking or grammatically's so double standards you insult people for wrong spellings and grammar yet you pick and choose who to ignore when they do it themselves.
Lol Roni, I'm not here to be on grammar patrol, I'm not specifically going around looking for grammar mistakes in people's text. But when I see an abomination of the English language, AKA, whenever you type, you can be sure I'll be right there to call you out on it.
Yeah, so I'm the one lying and trying to twist words, while you just said something and then contradicted that? You are an absolute idiot.