Well . I recently tried to quit but for some reason have a hard time deleting the game . Anyways, I planned on coming back for season 6 hoping it would be somewhat like s5 . The only event ever I've placed in was s5 and I ended up in 76th place . That took a ton of hours of wcing Indis and tracking occasionally by hand . I'm totally in support of lowland wars being apart of this new season but at least give a slot for Indi . Indis are very very fun when both rosters are even and I'm sure a lot would agree . Lowland wars are also fun but are always controlled by them same few clans . Many of the people I've warred with since s3 when I started are now retired or just don't war at all anymore . Appreciate the effort ata but this one put it over the top for me. ~ Cub
You know how devs would listen to us ? Simple. If whole top 10 started to pay devs... But nope, just a dream that will never happen.
Lmao try not being a dick to someone asking a good question, get in a good lowland clan, or don't participate, simple.
In s5 people complained about orignal design the devs made, so, the devs changed it to all indi. People still complained. Now, devs have a war system they worked on and feel satisfied with, but people are still complaining. Find a good clan that does lowland wars. It's not that hard to change your lowland build. Cost only about roughly 200b. Find a clan, change to what they want and you have a clan for S6. Problem solved.
I understand it's simple for you who war with a prestige 1800 clan already and I have applied to war with p3 many times lol . It's not as easy as you apply and you're in with good lowland clans and I'm sure most would agree . Say i settle for a decent clan that wins around half the time . I war twice a day mostly and that's one win a day for 4 weeks . I place terribly compared to Indi in s5 when I placed 76th and didn't have to worry about anything mentioned above . Oh and I wasn't one of the ones complaining simply because Indis were the only thing I could really participate in along with anyone in the game could . The ones complaining were those who could participate in anything simply because they had the money to do so which is another point to why the title of this thread is correct . Thank you for your time though
I didn't apply to P3 and just get accepted. If you think that's how it happens, your really mistaken. After S5, I did a couple wars with a WC that I trusted. After those wars, I was approached by another wc. After a few months, we made the move to P3. So, no. I consider myself as getting lucky to be in P3. I warred and my results showed that I was a good warrior. Simple as that. Everything else just fell into place. And you actually placed in S5. I did indi in s5. I tracked a lot of the wars I did as well, but you know where I got? 25 medallions. That's it. You can't just apply at a war clan and expect them to accept you. Just keep warring and maybe one day you'll get noticed. Wc' do watch rosters so they can get he best of the best.
I applied to a Hansel clan that won the last 15/17 wars. Accepted.. it is that easy if you're experienced. Iwars are messy. No need for those luck wars in season.
This is what I addressed in my before statement . You told me to apply to a clan and you're in a it's simple as that and I told you it wasn't and showed you how . Lol?
I told you how to do about it. I can't help you past that. Keep doing wars and you might be noticed. And how many war clans have you actually applied to besides P3? Applying to 1 and getting rejected proves nothing.
I've been apart of many lol . Been doing clan wars since s2 n s3 as a gh when perkutut army dominated . I lost many of my clan wars .
I warred with SE elite and few clans that were new . Was lucky enough to have a good group at SE . I dropped ll build and quit and now we're here . Kinda off topic though