I'm not seeking validation (well for humor I am lol) but not for self worth lol if I come across as superior ...well hell its because I am baby lol. I know you dream about me "slinging" it on ya. Sorry I belong to Roni ..BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
This must be why we see rogue crying about why he hates kaw, the players, the moderators, the smalls And well pretty much everyone. And why he only feels big when trying to force players to quit. Exactly the attitude that this thread is about.
Totally disagree I for one refuse to throw tons of real money at this game yet my family still welcomes me across the board. With open arms in every clan I visit. Loyalty, pride, respect and character must all be given to be received. I am not just boastful about APOC and more specifically Chaos reborn dragons but any of the "Friends" I have encountered over the past 4 years. When I visit clans, I am welcomed. I don't feel that you have to bully someone to get respect or friends. I personallY think that the majority of KAW igores forums anymore just as they ignore bullies in school or at work...Can't say as I have ever seen a time where someone invited a bully over for dinner. It's because they are afraid that they may become the maincourse. So they do chose to stay out of the kitchen. I am not calling anyone specifically a bully here. You can label yourself and or others if you want. But I will say that whomever stirs the !#%÷ pot should have to lick the spoon imo. So you all who feel worthy or boastful at being the best spoon licker, please continue. I enjoy the reading.
I like licking the spoon but I'm dirty like that though lol (love stirring that pot) ...Ruggy, PM me girl (show u what's under that tophat) iPhone
Do us all a favour Todd and grow up. :lol: Some of us might take you seriously then. Then again, pigs might fly. Hey, worth a shot though, right?!
I think you're both right here. There are many, many loyal clans out there (I find ones that have been around a while, specifically before HTE, are the most tight-knit). However, the introduction of HTE and events do promote selfish motives rather than selfless ones and working together as a clan. So while there are many loyal clans. I believe there are also more selfish driven people in KaW more than an ever before.
Ohh look at val crying wolf. Yet everybody has seen how vile and nasty you talk and you are a major bully. I remember you bragging about farming a female until she buyed your clan 6 seals for the.Maybe that was your other persona who knows . this screenshot was taken from the thread I wrote called "A question to iProphet " written only a few weeks ago.and there's val calling me mentally challenged.
Have to admit that I always had an issue when seals came out, and even more so when the devs said that it was ok to demand seals as ceasfire terms. Yes they drop for free randomly and rarely. But for me that pushes the game into being far too close to blackmail / extortion. You cannot prove a player has however many seals much less that they were dropped for free. It's different farming someone that gets a drop and runs from clan with it. But when you basically demand that a player spends real Money to obtain a ceasefire that is a criminal act in my opinion. And I am amazed that the devs accept this and that no one has taken action if it has been done to them. End of the day this is a game. Children play it. And there is never an excuse to validate blackmail or extortion, or harassment.
And just to quote and reference my own personal situation.I know we all joke around with each other and I do the same .But I've noticed that people only do it to impress the currant crowd they with or person. When that influence vanishes you notice a change in them and they start being a bit nicer to you. Over the 4 years I've provoked a lot of hate and been at the receiving end .No one is innocent but out of all those who have been nasty only 2 have been the bigger person to say sorry to me.This is why I have a lot of respect for Jenni and LostSouls they did be a good person and say sorry .All the rest still have a lot of maturing to do .
Thank you thank you, unfortunately I haven't had time write my acceptance speech but I'd just like to say thank you to my haters. I love you all continuing sucking and being useless, without you i don't know what I would do.
I admit what lmfao? Again, you literally just make up a lie and think it's true. You are completely delusional. Why would 3 random, forum troll flamers be true about anything.
Because YOUR THE ONE crying about people "ganging up on you", "hopping on the bandwagon". You actually SSed that, your sad. It's pretty valid advice. Maybe if you wised up, shut your mouth you wouldn't get "ganged up on" But whatever, why am I even trying to have a real convocation with a player that is clearly just given up on all growth ingame and tries to troll forums on a dying game. I don't care if your male female, transgender, whatever. If you have some gold value to your account, something I want, ima take it.
I agree the worms reported me to the devs on my forum post. It was clearly a joke but Val so butthurt he have to report to the devsVal not only a quitter also a snitchI got a warning because I'm a nice guy
Be careful the fake Val is here who will report you Poor little nub is a quitter and a cry baby too
You admitted it twice ...two different threads or maybe because you're fake Val you don't know real value said it ...I'll find the posts might take a while. iPhone
Who's crying about ganging up on me? ...1st of all no one's "ganging" all of you are the ones crying about me. I'll take you all on its not a problem never has been. Your butthurt and jealous. Biggest whiny crybaby on this game, always have been iPhone
You've started just as much crap on forums as anybody. It's just like I said before though you have the dryest most god awful sense of humor I've ever come across. Nearly every time you start with anybody you wind up butthurt ...skinny roni musang idiot twicc . ....seriously the list goes on and on its like doofus said u get butthurt and cry to mods every time ..even when u start it.beyond pathetic