✯The EU Referendum✯

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Scrapster, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. Should Britain stay in the European Union?

    On Thursday, the 23rd of June, a referendum is being held to decide whether Britain should remain in the European Union.

    The European Union (EU) was formed after World War Two with the incentives to promote economic growth and allow trade between countries. Because of this, countries were also less likely to go to war with one another. From then to now, it has become a single market, which means people and goods are permitted to move between the countries. The EU has its own parliament and its own currency (the Euro), which is used in 19 countries within the EU.

    Do you think Britain should stay in the EU? Why?
  2. We should leave for a number of reasons. I won't talk about all the numbers and stuff that I'm sure other posters will talk about, but instead our culture and history. Our culture is being destroyed by being in the EU and this once great country that has achieved so much is starting to forget who we are and what it means to be British.
  3. I is not British, I is Scouse !

    More seriously, if we do leave they predicted that if we do leave we will suffer for about 10 year, but when the time of great suffering is over we Brits will rise higher and will be better off than we currently are
  4. Heys everyone :)

    If the Britans leave the EU, Scotland will claim independence and for their part they want to become a part of the EU :shock:
    There will be economic trouble for both sides (EU+GB)
    But when TTIP (EU+US) enters into force, the british economy needs to change to stay competitive.. :!:
  5. Don't they use the pound anyways? Idk why they are even in rn
  6. Get outa that scamming corrupt thing.

    Numbers: £168million a week we can spend at home. NHS and police forces are at an all time low. Struggling to get anything done.

    If we stay we open our doors fully to everyone.

    And for everyone that says the UK would fail without the EU. Wrong.

    We buy 60% of the goods they sell, and they buy a lot of ours too. To cut us off in any way cuts there economy in half :)

    Vote LEAVE
  7. America, just take back America.
  8. Yes it should stay, it promotes global peace while making the economy secure. Far more pros than cons
  9. I wish they'd just pick one and get it over and with. Stuff the bloody vote. I'm tired of seeing the unskippable 30 second ad when I watch YouTube videos.
  10. The EU debate is an interesting one.

    At the end of the day I would be astonished if anyone changed their mind based on what people had to say on kaw forums. I can see both sides pros and cons but there is a clear side that should win.

    Voting to stay and take a leading role in the EU is a much better stance for the United Kingdom rather than leaving and waiting it out for the economy to recover etc to be stronger

    If the UK stays within the EU and then takes a greater role in swaying policy and making real and useful changes that is a better position. Personally, I think there will be no real winner. There will be a in-government party split which will be very tough to fix leading the UK to uncertainty that is bad for the economy anyway.

    I will be spoiling my ballot on June 23rd. Either way things are going to poop.
  11. You should definitely go and the EU will keep stuff like the E6.3B in common agricultural policy grants they give you etc.
    They should also renegotiate financial and market access rules to and for the UK; we want to be fair right?
  12. I'm with snoopy we should invade the usa
  13. This is difficult tbh, made more so difficult by our own inept government (whom should of been planning the best way to leave, and the best way to stay, since they won't the election last year).

    9/10 economists say we would be better off in.

    1/10 economists ripped up the credibility of the treasury report (thanks Mr BBC for ignore it btw), you can find it here:


    Before I go on, let me just remind you, there are NO facts about the future, none, zero, zilch.

    Anyone who claims that this "will" happen, is a liar.

    Read this from Martin Lewis:

    http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/money-sav ... is-8121255


    So, Mr Cameron claims that leaving would put a "time bomb under the economy"- that's funny, you were willing to campaign to leave the EU if you didn't get the reforms you wanted (which you didnt) and none of those reforms would have changed anything anyway, so what you're really saying is that you lied to the public, lied to the other EU leaders and NEVER intended to campaign to leave anyway?

    Leaving could cause ww3- really? Cmon, you can do better than that surely.

    Leaving would cause a global economic shock- hmmm, so we're not strong enough to make it on our own, however if we left the EU it would cause a global shock? Yeah... Sure...

    The list of omens of doom continue, but let me ask you this.. David Cameron and George Osborne have had to back track numerous times already this year, we have a liar of a PM and a historian for a Chancellor.

    @ moody, there is a fundamental flaw in the argument that we can sway opinion in the EU, or that we are 'at the top table'.

    The problem is actually quite simple, it's a problem of geographical location and society.

    The British people (most) do not think of ourselves as European, we are British, NOT European, yes I do realise that's probably an outdated imperial opinion, nonetheless it's still true.

    We're not in the eurozone, the EU works for the Eurozone and do not be deluded enough to think that the EU would put our needs before theirs, we may be in the EU, but we are most Definitely not in a strong position, nor are we indispensable.

    The U.K. Does not wish to be a part of the United States of Europe. We never have and we never will.


    Hope, Faith, Determination, Diversity and Survivability. - these are British values, this is what it means to be British. We do not give up, yes, we may have 10 years of hardship, we may even have 20. By then, there may be no EU, it may be a crumbling image of what it once was, it may even have turkey in it.

    Where has British pride gone? Why is our own PM permitted to stand on a platform and tell us we're not strong enough to go on our own?

    Where has the will to survive gone?

    Apologies for the disconnecting writing, it's been a long day.
  14. Vote out.
  15. So basically, the British aren't coming...?
  16. Vote out! Kick those immigrants out of this great country.

    P.S. I should start packing :-/
  17. And now a serious reply. I won't discuss the "independence" argument. I can't fight with it. Independence worth any suffering. So I'll talk about economic arguments only. "We can be like Norway. To have a trade agreement with EU without being part of EU". And this is true. BUT! Norway still have to provide free movement to EU citizens. This put's down the "NHS and police are at lowest". Which btw I find a silly argument. Is not like the polish, bulgarian, romanian, czech or hungarian immigrant once he arrive in UK is like "YaY! We are in UK! Let's go to hospital!". But I digress. Want to be like Norway? That's fine.. be like Norway: obey to EU rules without having a spot at decisions table. Because if you want to trade with EU you must obey to EU rules and regulations.
    Or maybe you don't need a trade agreement with EU and find another markets. Which markets? USA? USA's interests is to make trade agreements with big blocks. Obama stated very clear about this issue. And it's normal to be like that. Why would USA give you free access to a 400mil people market in exchange for a 60mil people market? One might said that Trump stated that will be a trade agreement. Must be desilusional to plan your future acording to what Trump is saying. That guy change his mind three times while he's brushing his teeth. So... What's left? Commonwealth? Canada and Australia combined makes a 50mil people market. Losing a 500mil people market and get a 50mil one in exchange. That's a great achievement lol. So...let's go further. China? China just killed UK's steel industry. They've beat you at your own game and your own rules and you want to compete with them on their field with their rules? Good luck with that.
  18. The total commonwealth population is over 2.1Bil, Just thought I'd point that out.
  19. That is true. But more than half of it it's India with a less than $1400 GDP per capita. Not really a dream market. Or we are talking about Nigeria? Tanzania? Bangladesh? Indeed...those are great markets.