KaW Personality Test

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by AshesOfEden, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. "We're all mad here.. You're mad.. I'm mad.."

    "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice

    "You must be" said the Cheshire Cat

    "or you wouldn't have come here"

    Have you ever wondered what kind of a KaW player you are? What kind of a KaW personality you have?

    Well wait no moar. Cos Doctor Ashes has created a sophismicated KaW survey test to pinpoint what kind of a KaW person you are.

    The test is simple, choose the answer choice most fitting to what you would do, note down the points for each questions and the resulting total score will be magically mapped to your persona, which will be listed at the end.

    So if you are feeling brave and curious (or mad and frisky), take the plunge and answer these test questions honestly and let your KaW persona be revealed!


    Q1: Where do you put the L1 Unkari Trick Ice Tree in HF lands?

    A) In a corner and I put the L1 elven temple in the opposite corner.. Never put it in the middle cos then the elven temple will look out of place! (10 points)

    B) 3rd row, second column.. 2 days later, I tear it down and put it in 2nd row, third column, 2 days later I put it back on 3rd row (8 points)

    C) I don't do that trick cos I'm a hansel and the extra hits only kick in when the spies are low (6 points)

    D) I put it in the middle cos L1 ice tree looks burned down.. And when I see it, it reminds me of Ashes.. And I go unload on AshesOfEden.. With glee..(4 points)

    E) I put it in row 2, column 2 and temple on row 2, column 5 cos if I squint and look at HF, it looks like that Catfish pic that Alison put up on the third party room (2 points)

    F) What?! There is a trick on HF lands?! (0 points)

    Q2: What kind of equipment do you have on normally?

    A) All from the same equipment event series and tier.. I know that purple ring gives more attack but damnit, it ruins my all gold equip set (10 points)

    B) I change my equipment every time I log in!(8 points)

    C) I put on weak side equip when I'm hitting ebs and strong side when I war, and spy def equip to catch the sneaky spies(6 points)

    D) I put all the red equipment cos it makes me angry.. And then I go unload on Ashes.. With glee (4 points)

    E) I'll unsheathe my Stingpoint if you remove your breastplate (2 points)

    F) Purple sword when I hit from pin (0 points)

    Q3: What do you use a statless Alt for?

    A) As a volley transfer dummy for my LB mains (10 points)

    B) It's actually my main.. I just tore it down the other day cos I got tired of playing Hansel (8 points)

    C) As a sneaky tracer for enemy banks (6 points)

    D) To hit Alison when s/he drops build (4 points)

    E) My alt is a Unicorn.. Cos my main is busy playing Bacon RP (2 points)

    F) That IS my main (0 points)

    Q4: What do you do when you see a MaCHiNE on your BL?

    A) BL?.. Oh gawd I never touch that button (10 points)

    B) I refresh the BL repeatedly until I see zafties (8 points)

    C) I already am thriving in a target rich environment (6 points)

    D) I rather play WC roulette (4 points)

    E) I follow them for a Bacon Toaster RP (2 points)

    F) Do you mean the Quest button? (0 points)

    Q5: You got naked because

    A) I never get naked cos I move into the strongest alliances and get their protection (10 points)

    B) I like to change my allies every other day ( 8 points)

    C) Now I have my tracer allies tracing the enemy banks.. Muahahaha *snort (6 points)

    D) I flamed forum threads with excessive "No Support", "Get out" and/or "KotFE suck" comments (4 points)

    E) Werewolf RP is better played naked (2 points)

    F) People keep buying allies from me (0 points)

    Q6: That one day between events, you

    A) Freak out cos life is meaningless without collecting items that match in a neat set (10 points)

    B) Create forum threads demanding next event starts meow.. And proceeds to dropping build cos you have nothing else to do (8 points)

    C) Explore Osmon Rai hit mechanics(6 points)

    D) Post "No Support" and "Get out" on those "When is the next event?!" Threads and proceed to farm those who starts arguing with you(4 points)

    E) Squeeze in a quick one day Rainbow Dash RP(2 points)

    F) There was an event!? (0 points)

    Q7: The guide you read the most on forums is..

    A) Chocolate's latest event drops guide (10 points)

    B) Snoopy's Trivia thread cos you can refresh every 5 minutes to see if he posted the next question (8 points)

    C) Belle's Hit Mechanics guide to test if Osmon Rai steals will take more than 0.2% (6 points)

    D) You post "No Support" and "Get out" on Chocolate's event drops guide and proceeds to farm those who reply (4 points)

    E) You read Ashes' "Guides" for pictures (2 points)

    F) Toast's guide to quests (0 points)

    Q8: When you see a call for help on WC, you..

    A) Do nothing cos you have ignored all social aspects of this game that would only detract your time cherishing the complete Tier 10 equip set that you just got (10 points)

    B) Thought about helping but instead you joined the clan that posted a blingy ad that came right after cos the ad used all three lines and had colorful emoji's (8 points)

    C) You joined to see if ASOF 20% can be finished in 10 minutes with 20 Hansels in xtal jail (6 points)

    D) You proceed to PnZ the eb actives in that clan (4 points)

    E) You joined but they fail on eb cos you started playing Bacon RP on CC (2 points)

    F) You joined but they fail on eb cos you nom nom'ed the item stage on FoD (0 points)

    Q9: Your thread/post got deleted from forums cos

    A) See Q8 (10 points)

    B) Your 9 part werewolf story needs one more part and the werewolf is nowhere near dying yet (8 points)

    C) You posted a thread with a link to some site with 200 SS (6 points)

    D) You called someone out for Catfish (4 points)

    E) You went "A gif too far" (2 points)

    F) Your thread title is "Volley me" (0 points)

    Q10: You ultimate goal in KaW is..

    A) When are new lands coming out so that I can distance myself further from those wretched common folks? (10 points)

    B) Do I play as Hansel to or attack bui....oh new event.. Cool!(8 points)

    C) To have an army of alts so that you can enjoy every nuance of the game mechs (6 points)

    D) To be on CA of every major alliances (4 points)

    E) To find that perfect bacon unicorn soulmate (2 points)

    F) KaW!? I thought this was PimD (0 points)


    OK! I will trust that you have answered the questions honestly.. Note down your choices.. Add up all your points.. And proceed to find out what your KaW Personality is below!

    If your point Total is:

    100: A Bot

    90-99: OCD Hoarder

    80-89: ADHD Hoarder

    70-79: Hipster Poseur

    60-69: Game Nerd

    50-59: Passive Aggressive Attention Garden Instrument

    40-49: eThug

    30-39: Emo Punk

    20-29: RP Creep

    10-19: Clueless Noob

    0-9: Imbecile
  2. Hipster poser what else?

    Anyone interested in toaster unicorn lb fantasy Rp?

  3. i got 2 points. but only because some of the answers were oddly specific and none of them fit me.

    also because i am an imbecile.
  4. Damn Wordwaster.. I didn't know you can count to two!
  5. PRIME.. Did you answer a gif too far honestly?
  6. that was where i got my 2 points :?

  7. You can never go too far bud..
  8. 54 points, i.e. "Passive Aggressive Attention Garden Instrument"

    For multiple answers I would have answered something not even on the answer choices though (and thus had to compromise), so take it or leave it.
  9. Passive Aggressive Attention Garden Instrument!!!

    Also those 8 points about that trivia thing helped. :lol: :lol:
  10. LMS if you got imbecile
  12. 50 huh? Mediocre as always
  13. I am myself,omg #sorad
  14. How dare you label me a ethug
  15. eThug right there
  16. 64. I'm a game nerd, as expected 
  17. Ashes don't make me
  18. Q3, F. You'd think I'd learn after six years, but you'd be wrong.
  19. Instructions unclear: hand is stuck in a pickle jar
  20. Have a guess ashes :)