
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by The_Postman, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Well this was a small leap, but a leap nonetheless. Hope it counts. About a week ago, I painted my fingernails for the first time. I know what you're thinking. "So what?" Well, it's basically unheard of where I live for a boy to paint his fingernails, and I'm a naturally timid person, so bringing more attention to myself by doing this was hard to bring myself to do. Afterward, though, I got nothing but positive comments on them and it has really boosted my confidence in myself. It's a really small thing, but it did a lot and was spontaneous, so I hope it fits the qualifications for this post
  2. Paint your toenails then go walk around with high heels on...

    ...let us know how that works out for you 
  3. i used to to bleach my hair, paint my nails blue, wear baggy clothes, and pierce various parts of my face.

    not encouraging you to do that. because seriously, get your own style. but i will say it was less boring than wearing polo's and khakis.

    living is more fun when you do what you want, rather than what is expected of you.

    unless there is an angry repressed individual nearby. in which case they will take out all of their frustration on you. all because you can do what you want, but they can't. because they are angry cowards who can't stand the thought of being something other than what society told them to be.

    ofc don't be different just to be different. that's almost as lame as being "normal" just because you are supposed to be normal.

    there is an artist in all of us. it is tragic that you go to the bar and you see nothing but people wearing nothing but black. all of them want to be noticed, but none of them has the courage to stand out.

    i spontaneously decided to try to inspire someone.
  4. Thanks wordwaster! I personally prefer tighter clothing (skinnyjeans, etc) I'm basically the polar opposite of the standard of manliness, but it's purely because I don't feel that way. My parents have always taught me to express myself, and I try to do that as much as possible. That's one reason I decided to paint my fingernails. It was just a matter of building up the courage to endure the quizzical looks. I've never been the type to intentionally conform to trends and whatnot, but I have noticed that recently I've started looking more and more like "that emo cousin" at the family reunion. XD
  5. Nah. I prefer Converse to heels. And if I'm gonna wear Converse, there's no point in painting my toenails. No one's gonna see them. Thanks for the suggestion though! *eye roll*
  6. Well played sonny...as for me, I don't personally agree with the painted nails but hey....if that's your thing, it is nice to take a risk. Super glad it has been a good experience for you....
  7. Word, nice job encouraging. We need more of that in the world. I personally think that most people want to do good.
  8. Really interesting
  9. Thank You for your service Postman.....
    It's nice to know there are people like you in this world, I'm a fan of anyone who served in the military.

    Okay, my story

    My step father had a bass boat back in the day when the front seat sat up rather high.
    I figured I would sit there one chilly morning as we went fishing.
    The boat didn't go terribly fast like some do today BUT if you go around 40 and accidentally turn the wheel fast, that person in the front seat will go flying out of the boat, MEeeeeeee splash!!!!!!

    At the time it was a little scary but my sister said I looked pretty cool flying through the air
  10. I can picture it. :lol:
  11. ...how is that spontaneity on your part though? lol (sounds like bad decision making on your stepfathers part to me)
  12. Still funny as hell though

  13. Because I decided to sit up there at the last moment.....
    My step father didnt do it on purpose, if you read again it says he accidentally turned the wheel, Im not sure why it happened, but I am sure he didnt do it on purpose.....
  14. I'm sure he didn't either (lol)

  15. I'm sure he didn't either (lol)


    Your user name should actually be buzz kill :lol:
  16. Plenty of spontaneous drunk moments way back during my student times...
    Those were the times noone captured you on facebook and co, thank God.

    I like your kidnapping, Postman! Nice thing to break the daily routine.
    My wife kidnaps me all the time, she calls it shopping.
  17. Shopping. Hahahahahahah

  18. So last night I tell my wife I want a riding lawn mower.....she replied that the budget doesn't allow for it so I will have to earn the money if I want it...

    No problem I said and walked away.

    This is the real stuff right here gang.  I woke up this morning at 0600 at the crack of dawn.  I didn't tell her but last night after out chat I made me some signs.

    I started carrying all kinds of stuff outside and made a yard sale happen.  Lots of her stuff  and of course several of my things I don't use anymore.

    She woke up  and I really thought she would be upset but nope.  She brought out more stuff and so did my son.  We made bank, I get a mower and boom. Momma bear got a nice meal today for celebratin....  I thought it would be a diffrent ending....